It's my fave show. It's a toss up between Chandler & Joey. My fave ep is when everyone finally knows about Monica & Chandler...... when Ross is looking at the apartment across the street and Phoebe sees Monica & Chandler going for it
& then her & Rachel try to stop Ross seeing........ It's so funny! That's probably one of my memorable eps, but I love all the seasons
2006-11-25 07:43:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Chandler has to be my favorite friend, but none really could stand without the others or the writers behind the faces. Each character has its own personality quirks. None are one-dimensional, and over the 10 years Friends ran, they all grew.
Friends is rare because in that decade, none of the actors stepped out of character in their role. Happy Days and Mash, to name 2, are shows where the actor's egos came out in the characters, eventually. I didn't see that happen with Friends at all. Even Joey was still Joey in the spin-off. It was the writing that we suffered with there.
I think every episode had a few memorable moments, and that makes it hard to come up with favorite episodes. That was a dark day when they all turned in their key to the apartment.
How I Met Your Mother on CBS Monday nights, is a riot and also a group of friends. NBC's The Office, on Thursday nights can't be missed either.
2006-11-25 07:57:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I love FRIENDS! I love Rachel and sometimes Pheobe is super funny. Some of my favorite episodes are: The One in Barbados, The One With All The Thanksgivings, The One Were Ross Gets A Tan, and The One the Break. I think that if you like Friends you should watch
How I Met Your Mother and The Class on CBS starting at 8/7c on Monday night....
2006-11-25 08:04:25
answer #3
answered by just wonderin' 4
Phoebe and Chandler are my favorites, definitely. I also love Joey, though. And I don't know if I have a favorite episode, I loved them all, but I especially loved the season five episodes with Monica and Chandler trying to hide their relationship, and the one where Phoebe tries to seduce Chandler so he'll confess. So funny :)
2006-11-25 08:34:20
answer #4
answered by xxmorgan28xx 2
i can't choose!!!!!! friends is the best show ever! i don't think anybody will ever be able to create something of that quality, with incredible jokes, problems of real life (not all of them hahah) the different personalities that made the program unique, actually there's nothing i can say that describes how great the show was! i will watch the re runs for ever!
2006-11-27 10:27:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Joey and Chandler are my favorite characters 'cause thay are soo funny! For friends fans i reccomend the show Joey.
2006-11-25 08:24:32
answer #6
answered by MikaRae<3 2
I like the song,"Smelly Cat",lol.
2006-11-25 07:38:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I watch friends and love Rachel ! i have the same name and seem to relate to her very well and her being married with that hunk Brad pit wow ! what a dream wish it was me ! ha ha any ways also recommend Raymond is a good family show kinda cute an funny !
2006-11-25 07:39:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Friends is fab. My favorite episode is where Rachel has the baby and the so called engagement of Rachel and Joey that is one big mis-understanding. Joey is excellent he his my favorite in the episode. The last thing to say is more Friends please!
2006-11-25 08:18:30
answer #9
answered by emma b 5
Phoebe is my favorite. i love that show. The One Were Ross Gets A Tan is my favorite, though
2006-11-25 08:59:30
answer #10
answered by jenndudley 3