Ok...keep in mind this Answer is from after about *two minutes* of thought here, so I am sure others will find plenty of reasons to nit-pick and nay-say the thing to pieces. :)
Why? Because I am on average slightly left of center politically. Meaning liberal on some issues, but hard as a *nail* on a few. In general though....
My party would be called, seriously, the National Destiny party. The general *theme* of the party would be to think *long-term* and big-picture, something that America is quite frankly scared to do, unless it is in the most laissez-faire (meaning lazy and negligent) manner possible. The emphasis would be on a) solving problems so future generations *have* lives worth living, and don't end up in a 3rd World gutter, and b) on getting *everyone* in the nation on the same team, so that instead of Americans being their own worst enemies socially and economically, we can end up trusting each other to be united and to *lead the world* by a *positive and rational* example.
So what does this *mean* in terms of policy? It means, generally speaking, that my party would *strongly favor* Federal and in *particular* State Governments becoming bigger, having more of an influence, and being a bit more socialist in policy, rather like the nations of *every other Normal Developed Nation* on Earth. But....with one clause.
This increase in size and authority is *only* supposed to be a *positive* influence, and *only* for Lawful Citizens of America. Meaning, we *do* cut the pork-barrel funding and the control-freak bureaucracy as much as possible and make things as easy and streamlined for *citizens* as possible. And...if for some reason you aren't legally supposed to be here, or if you've done something *stupid* to make yourself a menace to society, well, you can *expect* your life to be harder because you've decided to *not* be on the team.
--I'm most definitely against illegal immigrants, not out of any anti-Mexican sentiment, but because it is a flagrant disregard for Rule of Law and our Sovereignty as a nation.
--Definitely Pro-Labor rights, definitely pro-environmental protection, definitely *NOT* in support of the Globalist Chase to the Bottom, of the CEO-sponsored, decades-long trend of outsourcing job after job to nations where the "cheap labor" are treated like slaves and then pumped into an anti-American zealotry that costs us *yet more money* to control.
--In favor of streamlining and refining the tax code, so that while *some few* taxes go up in absolute terms, those rises would clearly be *earmarked* for a protected purpose...for example, having *specific* taxes on gasoline and petroleum products for National Security concerns so that we don't get bled dry on those concerns.
And the rest? They'd go down as I'd favor flatter taxes at least for ordinary working citizens.
--Get the damn national debt paid for already. This is ridiculous, that every few years we have to worry about the national economy going bankrupt, *even with* Graham-Rudman hamstringing us on national monetary policy.
--Requiring, *by Constitutional Amendment if nothing else works*, a levelization between *corporate* welfare and welfare to citizens. It is absolutely absurd that we have our government spend *a dollar* in aid to companies when we begrudge spending a *nickel* on citizens. The amounts should match: if you wish to cut aid to citizens, then businesses should no longer get money as well, and if you wish to raise aid to companies, you should *have to* raise aid for citizens as well. It's only fair, and I get tired of seeing and hearing about how *airlines* can get handouts while *my neighbors* go begging for food. OK?? Enough with the fascist hypocrisy already!
--Protect basic Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights, at least for ordinary, real-people type *Citizens*. Because there are workable alternatives to gun control, and we really should *not* have to worry, at this point, about whether we have Freedom of Speech, a Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial, or Unreasonable Searches and Seizures....among other things.
--And....I am all *for* Full Funding of *all* of the basic needs that citizens need to live in a civilized nation: healthcare for *all citizens*, superior public education for *ALL citizens* (not just those living in lily-white suburbia), superior police funding and training so that citizens are *protected* and not attacked by an Occupying Force.
So....how would this work? How would I expand things, get the debt paid, *and* reduce taxes on ordinary citizens? Simple....
1) Focus *on* Law-Abiding Citizens. 'Nuff said....you know we put way too much effort on being kind to *criminals* and illegal immigrants.
2) Make the system *more efficient*. Trim the piss out of bureaucracy, make the Congress *pay for its own postage out of pocket*, and make the Landed Political Class as *stripped* of perks and special treatment as the Ordinary Citizen is.
3) Tax ordinary citizens as little as possible, but....make *damn sure* the CEOs pay, pay, and oh hell yeah, PAY the taxes they actually *owe*. No more "tax-shelters" in the Bahamas, if their rate is 37%, 37% is what they *pay*, period. No more legalized tax evasion on the part of the Corporate! And before you piss and moan, the Tax Rates on Business were 90% during World War II, and yet history bears it out: it did NOT bankrupt us as a nation. The Companies can and MUST pay their fair share!
4) Return to fair and rational systems of *tariffs* for *some* foreign goods that are clearly *not* healthy for the nation....like foreign petroluem, for example. And no, this isn't the *death* of "Free Trade", because for every *rational and fair* system of protection that goes up, I see two or three other *unfair* systems (like ones protecting the sugar, steel, and cotton industries, for example) going *down* if not going *away* entirely.
5) Introducing the concept of the Value Added Tax to America. Quite simply put, if the point of our economy is to have more of a Service Economy, then *our service should add taxable value* to goods and services. Pure and simple. We need to stop with the assumption that American Labor is as worthless as the defacto slave labor of Pakistan....we need to acknowledge that we have *higher standards* and tax appropriately to maintain those standards.
6) Use our Federalized system. Exploit the hell out of Economies of Scale that exist at least on *two separate* tiers. For example...with healthcare. I see nothing wrong with using a Single Payer system. Provided there is both competition and an *economy of scale* in place designed to control costs.
You get both of the above, *just by having* a Single Payer Times 50 system. Have the *States* be the individual Single Payers for public healthcare, and have citizens *make choices* between competing plans from *contiguous* states (and to keep it simple, Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, Washington state and California would be considered "contiguous" for the plan's purposes). This would make everyone *but* the insurance racket happy, as costs would be kept in line, the number of *choices* would be kept in line (in the single digits), and yet, you could have pressure from both the Federal level *and* ordinary citizens to *cover everyone fairly and adequately*.
And a lot of things could be dealt with like that, by using economies of scale *and the States* to keep costs under control.
But will any of this happen? Nope. Because Big Business, your CEO Class, has made us all *retarded* and scared of anything that smacks of "Socialism", never mind that socialism is what is NORMAL for the entire rest of the developed world, and you don't see Canada, the UK, or Austrailia going bankrupt, now do you?
And yet We, the "Special Nation", the retarded nation, we are under *constant and regular* threat of going bankrupt....geez, I've gotta wonder *why*?
2006-11-25 15:31:30
answer #7
answered by Bradley P 7