My Great Grandma used to make an elixir of Honey and lemon juice in a cup and have us stir it with a spoon then lick it off to control coughing. It works for a sore throst. Also She was a firm believer in Vicks vapor rub to cure nasal and chest congestion. YOu have to put it under your nose, all over your chest and back then wear a tshirt to bed with a bandana around your neck. It also works good for muscle pain too.
2006-11-25 06:27:58
answer #1
answered by mrsgapeach71 2
cold and flu season?? One theory is the reason folks get colds and flu at this time of year is a sluggish immune system.
Think about it- start with Halloween and all the sugar/candy, rich foods/alcohol, stress, etc. thru the holidays. It's no wonder people get sick.
I did read about putting drops of peroxide in your ears at the first sign of a cold. Not sure if that will work but it's worth a try.
I have not had a cold/flu for six years. It's a healthy lifestyle which gives your body the strength to fight off the bugs.
2006-11-25 12:58:27
answer #2
answered by CAT 3
Since prevention is better than the cure, I would suggest staying out of crowds, especially where there are small children. Little kids seem to harbor those nasty cold germs more frequently than adults. Wash your hands frequently. Bundle up when the weather is cold and blustery. And get a flu shot! If you do manage to catch a cold or flu, stay in bed if you're running a fever. Drink plenty of liquids and take 1000 mg. of vitamin C. There's an old saying, if you do nothing for a cold it lasts a week. If you treat it, it lasts seven days. The cold virus has to run its course. Meantime, cover your coughs and sneezes, drink hot liquids such as tea and chicken soup. And try some of the stuff you can buy OTC, such as Theraflu and Zicam. Keep the humidity level up in your home, or run a cool vaporizor for the sniffles and sneezes. Get plenty of rest.
2006-11-25 07:16:13
answer #3
answered by gldjns 7
Always have the homeopathic remedies: Aconite 30C for colds and for flu, Oscillococcinum (from UK Homeopathic pharmacies: Anas Barb.) on hand for the FIRST sign of cold or flu. Taken at the first little tickle in the throat they will knock the invaders on the head.
Take about 3-6 Aconite, spaced out in time and, for flu, a whole capsule of Oscillo. Even if the virus does take hold these will ameliorate your symptoms enormously.
2006-11-26 12:43:27
answer #4
answered by Trader S 3
For prevention, wash your hands often and keep them out of all your bodily, mouth, nose, eyes, etc. Take, drink or eat vitamin C several times a day. Don't stay indoors all day and don't keep your house too warm....60 - 65 is a good median temperature for indoors in the winter.
For cure, I really like Zicam. Homeopathic, chicken broth and honey and lemon. As much bed rest as you can get and plenty of clear fluids.
I have not had a cold in over thirty years, and never had the flu. I am 50 and except for the Zicam, these things work for me.
2006-11-25 05:41:50
answer #5
answered by rrrevils 6
Knock it out ahead of time with a herbal combination called Wellness Formula. Contains all kinds of great herbs, etc. to raise your immunity. You can find in in health food stores, alternative meds, or on the net. I personally think the tabs are better than the capsules...dosage and cost is more attractive to the body and pocketbook! If you can't get Wellness Formula real quick and you want to ward off symptoms, the next best thing I've found is Hall's Multi-Blend. Find them in the cough drop section and make sure you are getting MULTI-BLEND! It's a combination of vitamin C, zinc, and Echineacha. I figured out the amounts of the zinc and echineacha and you can take a whole bunch of them before you take too much (that is, if you aren't taking anything else with those same ingredients). I've warded off a whole bunch of things that tried to attack my body with these!
2006-11-25 06:36:11
answer #6
answered by rugbee 4
I take a "once a day" drink that contains Taurine, which is an essential amino acid. It helps with cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure. There are also other herbs included in this single serving such as maca root (boosts libido, sexual function, and overall energy) and green tea among others. This is an all around good drink that contains vitamins as well.
It also helps with mental clarity, physical performance, fatigue,. deppression and contains antioxidants.
If you e-mail me, I can get you information on how to get this product. It's very inexpensive as well.
2006-11-29 01:57:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Take hot water, 1 clove of crushed garlic, honey and some lemon and drink that. It sounds gross, but it works like a charm.
I take public transportation every day and one of the things I do (forgive me, this sounds quite rude...) is that I don't sit near sick people! If someone coughs, I move out of the way. I barely get colds because of this.
2006-11-25 06:49:05
answer #8
answered by Tammy R 2
The best thing to open up your head when you have a full blown cold is a steaming hot cup of chicken broth.
2006-11-25 05:39:41
answer #9
answered by dmndlil527 3
Well, I'm not sure how "homey" it is, but Airborne/WalBorne have been really, really useful for me. I think prevention is best when you feel something coming on, but these even speed up recovery once something kicks in. Lots of trace minerals and every time. Best of luck!
2006-11-25 05:34:25
answer #10
answered by bananahead99 1