Anything divided by itself is 1 except when you divide by 0. Then it is undefined. There is no answer.
2006-11-25 05:01:27
answer #1
answered by Barkley Hound 7
2006-11-25 05:03:31
answer #2
answered by norsofiah85 1
Okay, we know that x cannot equal any non zero number because then x/x would equal 1.
So what about x = 0? The expression 0/0 may equal any number of values depending on how the expression came up. That is why it is called an indeterminate form.
Before criticizing others, you need to take a look at your English.
2006-11-25 05:09:58
answer #3
answered by math_guy112358 1
First of all, the format used to state your previous equation was not the best possible, although it is hard to state a problem accurately in a text-only question. It could be viewed as "(2+2)/2", which would equal 4/2 or simply, "2". Or, as you intended, solving the division first and then the addition, equaling 3.
But for this problem, any non-zero integer (x) divided by itself would equal 1, not "zero multiplied by x," which, by the way, equals "0," as required. Therefore, the problem cannot be solved by any non-zero number.
However, if "x" could represent 0, then the problem would state "zero divided by zero equals zero multiplied by zero," which would fill in your blank with "0."
2006-11-25 05:22:15
answer #4
answered by Si_Pocket_Rocket 3
If Americans are so bad at math, why do so many foreigners come to get their phD's from American math professors?
0/0 is undefined.
2006-11-25 09:22:05
answer #5
answered by raz 5
x/x=1 A quantity divided by itself is 1
Your equation x/x=0 cannot be solved because x/x cannot = 1 and also = 0 which would lead to division by zero which is undefined.
Your equation would have us believe that 1 =0. Maybe i Romania, but not in America.
2006-11-25 05:06:32
answer #6
answered by ironduke8159 7
x/x = 1 for every x except zero ... lol (i'm not american anyway)
edit: Princeton University is in America, if you didn't know...
Perhaps you should go there and see if Americans are good
at maths or not. Yahoo Answers is not a nationalism
2006-11-25 05:00:24
answer #7
answered by xsalibay 1
if u mean [x/x]=0
then it is simply not possible.its a wrong statement mathematically.
because [x/x]=1 for even x=0 or x=infinity
use principals of functions & limits to solve 0/0 or any other fractions involving undefined numbers.
if u mean x/[x=0] then automatically u r defining x=0
2006-11-25 05:07:17
answer #8
answered by anami 3
Is it zero
ei 0/0=0
2006-11-25 04:59:57
answer #9
answered by Dragon 6
why must you generalize that all americans arent so good at math? im sure there are plenty of romanians that suck just as bad as anyone else
2006-11-25 05:00:59
answer #10
answered by blackqueen 5