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do any of you guys know of any scientists or sites showing any evidence global warming is not caused by human activity. I am convinced it is, but I'm having difficulty with people citing "evidence" that it is completely natural or that somehow the earth will overcome this problem on its own. You can rant on either side of this if you want, but I am looking for real evidence.

2006-11-25 04:21:57 · 7 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

To stargazer: things like the site you show are all I have seen as well, it is not science really, only an opinion, which are like #$^^#$%'s everybody has one....to polaris, that site is pure junk.........looking for a real scientific study here guys, not junk science.

2006-11-25 04:43:36 · update #1

Milankovich developed a solid theory about the cyclic orbit of our Earth in about 1920. However interesting this may be, it does not address the issue of global warming due to man's involvement (which was begun in the 1960's) good ol' Milankovich was not really looking at this aspect in 1920. this is an example of the limited and extremely dated material used by naysayers

2006-11-25 05:13:04 · update #2


2006-11-25 05:13:56 · update #3

7 answers

Unfortunately, all sites I've managed to find that supposedly refute anthropogenic global warming contain scientific research that have not been peer revied by the scientific community.

In other words, they "could" be correct but the fact that they haven't been subjected to a review by their peers (or have been rjected by their peers) means that they don't have much in the way of legitimacy.

On the other hand, there have been many scientific research projects that have been subjected to peer review that support the theory of anthropgenic global warming. You can find these pretty quickly doing a google search.

I am a supporter of human influenced global warming, as I've seen the data and it's pretty solid. But it would be quite interesting to see a counter-study that has been through peer-review. Such a study could be quite enlightening and give us a better idea of what the environment is actually doing.

It should be telling though that none have been found, or if they have been they have not withstood an extensive scientific review.

However, if you don't need scientific work that has ben rigorously reviewed, there are scientists and sites online you can find. Do a google search on "global warming myth" or something similar and you'll get a few hits.


2006-11-25 04:35:12 · answer #1 · answered by X 4 · 1 0

At Northfield Mountain in northern Massachusetts there is a nature center overlooking the Connecticut River valley. It tells us that 14000 years ago there was a glacier there 10000 feet deep. As time passed it melted, creating a large lake. Then the water broke through to Long Island Sound, thereby creating the Connecticut River. If people were responsible, who were they. A hint: A few mile south is the Mohawk Trail. It must have been the Mohawk Indians. Doubtlessly it was smoking peacepipes.
We infidels think that human activity may contribute to warming, or cooling, but there are other non human causes like sunspot frequency, sunspot duration, sunspot intensity, and wobbling of the earth's axis of rotation with more or less sunlight going to either the largely water southern hemisphere or the largely land northern hemisphere.

2006-11-25 12:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by Edward Hyde 2 · 1 2

No, I'm sorry, I do not. Most of the naysayers had to come around to reality, so you may have difficulty finding a credible source that even attempts to refute global warming.

2006-11-25 12:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is no doubt that global warming exists. If not for greenhouse gasses, the planet would be at least 60* colder than it is now. What is questioned is how quickly the planet is warming, what exactly is causing it, and how much damage it is doing.

2006-11-25 12:28:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Here is a site you might peruse:

2006-11-25 12:29:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Read the new book "Chicken Little" and then let us know what you think.

2006-11-25 12:36:48 · answer #6 · answered by child_of_the_lion 3 · 0 1


2006-11-25 12:24:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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