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I'm a little bit shocked at the moment. I was just reading some of those comments about Al Gore and his "an inconvenient truth" in here.

There where soooo many comments of people denying the whole phenomen and even people saying they wont watch it or generelly they wont deal with opions of other people or arguments of parties other than their own. How do they image to get cleverer? By just listening to arguments from one side?

I always thought the rumor - we have in Europe - that the Americans are stupid + not able to think for themselfes is just prejudice - but if I'm reading things like this I really start wondering whether it's maybe true.

I mean I know there are many different and clever people - but I'm just wondering whether the number of "stupid" people in the US is really higher than in other countries.
What do you think? Tell me if I got a wrong impression!!

2006-11-25 04:13:41 · 3 answers · asked by Rika 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Maybe it is you that is stupid or ignorant for believing what you read and hear. If we were all that stupid Bush would have a higher approval rating than 32%.

2006-11-25 04:18:42 · answer #1 · answered by unicornfarie1 6 · 0 0

It appears the States are getting dumber. Asians out score us in school. People follow a political group without asking questions and have a short attention span. Education is the States has gone downhill, granduation standards have been lowered.
Look at the role models, athletes who cannot balance their checkbook, read/write.
What a sad state of affairs, even the family unit and marriage are becoming a thing of the past.

2006-11-25 12:18:39 · answer #2 · answered by bubbles_grandpa 3 · 0 1

don't sell your people short. Europe is full of stupid people. one problem here is that people take any little thing and magnify it to prove whatever theory they think is right. not that it's true, but as justification of their beliefs. France is full of cheese-eating surrender monkies. lluuuaargh.

2006-11-25 12:18:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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