I would have to agree with all of you, being able to keep my site would be preffered . I would also miss the ability to hear, because I love music so much, and many other wonderful sounds. But I want to be able to one day see my children and continue to see my Family and friends, and all the beauty of the Earth that God is always blessing us with.
2006-11-24 23:46:10
answer #1
answered by bdancer43 4
I could live without my hearing I think sight is the best gift of being human and the thing i appreciate the most. I can't imagine living in darkness. Have you ever wondered how you would explain sight to someone who was born blind?-explain colour, etc
2006-11-25 00:01:21
answer #2
answered by Bexx 4
2 see!
2006-11-24 23:49:51
answer #3
answered by fatima b 4
It would be bad to lose either one, but I would choose my eyes. I gained more appreciation of eye sight when I had both eyes done due to inherited cataracts. I would always want to see everything---if I lost my hearing, my other senses would intensify to make up for the one I lost.
2006-11-24 23:46:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As much as i would like to say sight, i wont, because, if i lost my sight, right now, i could live without seeing the people i love everyday, because their faces would be clear in my minds eye, my hearing i couldnt live without, because it is what i would use to differentiate the difference between the people i love.....i couldnt live without hearing their voices, and that of the music i love also.....
2006-11-25 00:23:14
answer #5
answered by Mintjulip 6
I would rather see. I love being able to hear, but I would much rather have the ability to see my surroundings than to hear them.
2006-11-25 02:14:23
answer #6
answered by SINDY 7
my eyesight as well. You can function a lot better without your hearing than you can without your eyesight...tho I prefer keeping them both! LOL
2006-11-24 23:44:04
answer #7
answered by tigerlily_catmom 7
Being able to see, coz it seems to me that life would be easier without hearing, than without seeing.
2006-11-24 23:45:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
eyesight so I could still asnwer questions on Yahoo Answers
2006-11-24 23:43:36
answer #9
answered by Daniel H 2
Seeing for sure
2006-11-25 00:10:26
answer #10
answered by ... 6