Nigel was holding a stick for their photoshoot and Carrdi said, "Did you pull that out of your a** from the last panel?" She said as a joke but he took it seriously, but she got saved because she wrote a letter and said it in front of him saying how sorry she is
2006-11-24 12:22:25
answer #1
answered by cindy 2
Nigel was carrying a stick and CariDee said something like,"Oh I see you got that out of your butt since the last judging." Then Nigel walked off really upset. Later CariDee wrote a letter to the judges and read it out loud. They forgave her, but warned her that she couldn't do that in the "real" world. It was a rude comment, but she was joking and the judges blew it way out of proportion.
2006-11-26 08:43:31
answer #2
answered by sunday girl 6
Yes, she said the "stick up the butt" phrase to him like the others said...
I hope Caridee wins.
2006-11-24 15:37:58
answer #3
answered by Bingo's Mommy 5
She said that she hoped that he had got that stick out of his *** since the last judging
2006-11-24 12:21:23
answer #4
answered by football chick 6
I was wondering about that too.
2006-11-24 12:20:44
answer #5
answered by A_WWE_FAN_4LYFE 6