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Anyone who answers please do so I can figure it out afterwards. Thanks

2006-11-24 10:29:50 · 6 answers · asked by Dave 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

6 answers

To divide by a fraction, flip the second fraction upside down.
So you get 8/9 * 15/11.
Now just multiply top and bottom:
Both of those are multiples of 3, so we can divide top and bottom by 3:
Thats simplest form.

2006-11-24 10:32:43 · answer #1 · answered by stephen m 4 · 0 0

Division is multiplication by the reciprocal. The reciprocal of 11/15 is 15/11 so

(8/9)/(11/15) = (8/9)*(15/11)

mult num and denoms

= 8*15/(9*11) = 120/99 , to reduce notice that both are divisible by 3

= 40/33 , no common factors so that's it.

2006-11-24 10:35:19 · answer #2 · answered by modulo_function 7 · 0 0

8/9 / 11/15
=8/9 X15/11
=1 7/33

2006-11-24 11:27:40 · answer #3 · answered by alpha 7 · 0 0

(8/9)/(11/15) = (8/9)(15/11) = 120/99 = 40/33 = 1 7/33

2006-11-24 10:32:46 · answer #4 · answered by bgdddymtty 3 · 0 0

to divide fractions:

(top/bottom) / (top/bottom)
is really
(top/bottom) * (bottom/top)
you inverse the bottom (flip it upside down)
and then multiply.

(8/9) / (11/15)
(8/9) * (15/11)

Let's reduce a little before multiplying.
Pull otu a common factor of 3 from the 9 and the 15
(8/3) * (5/11)

2006-11-24 11:12:19 · answer #5 · answered by Jess 2 · 0 0


2006-11-24 10:31:59 · answer #6 · answered by      7 · 0 1

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