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25 answers

People who want to justify hatred for gays will say no, they choose it. But they are only looking for an excuse to be homophobic.

Ask yourself, "why would someone choose to be gay?" Gay people face threats everyday of their lives because of ignorance and hate (as seen above), so would anyone knowingly choose to be something that causes that much turmoil?

Think about it. Don't listen to bigots filled with hate and armed with irrational beliefs. Investigate for yourself the facts that point more and more to it not being choice but something that gay people are born with.

2006-11-24 09:27:44 · answer #1 · answered by imaginary friend 5 · 11 3

Ask yourself this, is a person born str8??? Well it seems that a lot of people who have already answered your question would say no to that too! Yes of course you are born gay if you are gay and you are born str8 if you are str8! I think the difference is wanting to be gay or wanting to be str8. I am gay and I grew up in totally str8 society, totally str8 community and a totally str8 Catholic family. While I was growing up I did not know that gay people existed. I have had feelings for other guys since I was very young. At 8 I remember sitting in the change room at the puplic pool longer then I needed to to get changed just so I could see other guys with nothing on! I remember when I was a little bit older maybe 10 or 11 taking my older sisters 'Teen Magazine' and some tracing paper so I could trace the body of a guy in the magazine who I was in love with, but I traced him with nothing on. I remember around the same age when my buddies would find pages from a play boy magazine and they like to see the breasts and other woman's parts me just being really up set that they never showed the males in that magazine totally nude, I was upset because I wanted to see the guys totally nude. So yeah I was born gay! I didn't want to be tho, I remember thinking that I was the only one in the whole world who had the kind of feelings I had M4M feelings, like I said before, I didn't know there were other guys out there somewhere that had those same kind of feelings that I had. When I was 17 I started going to prayer meetings with my mom (now remember at this point in time nobody not even me know I was gay) I prayed week after week at these prayer meetings that God take the feelings I has for other guys away. God didn't take them away because God made me this way, I arrived in the world this way - Gay! You environment can change the social things you like the way you do things the way you talk the words you use the way you move your body the way you dress but it can't change your sexual orientation. Either you are gay or you are str8, a gay person can't become str8 any more then a str8 person can become gay! A gay person can do or participate in str8 type sexual activities (like I did when I was married to a women - but I was never str8 I just pretended I was and did the sexual things with my wife because I knew I had to not because I wanted to, I never wanted to I did not like it at all) and a str8 person can do or participate in gay type activities and I know this because I have been sexually involved with many men who tell me they are str8. I totally agree with Puffy when he stated that why would anybody choose to be gay and have to put up with all the suffering and hate that is directed at them from so many people who are homophobic and ready and happy to rid the world or all the evil gays! NOBODY BECOMES GAY!!! *hugs* JAC< in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

2006-11-24 10:28:37 · answer #2 · answered by jackaboo007 3 · 2 2

it is amazing that people who are NOT gay are answering the question as if they absolutely know what they are talking about...well, they have no idea about what they are saying....only a Gay can answer this question, and the answer is YES. I was gay at 5...trust that I made NO decision to be Gay, I had no idea what sex was, but I was attracted to men's bodies, not women's. IF that is not born being Gay, I have no idea what is. Every straight person who answers this question is operating out of an agenda..religious or otherwise, but they have NO idea what they are talking about unless they are scientists, who agree that their are specific genetic differences in the general gay man and the general straight man. Even the brain works differently in Gays than it does in Straights. Choice? don't be silly.

2006-11-24 09:33:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

All the people who say no are thumbed down to the point of being hidden, even the ones that are courteous about it. It's good to have convictions, isn't it? Extreme conservative Christianity preaches that "you either believe me or you're a sinner." It's pretty sad that gay culture has likened itself to that. What's wrong with gayness being acquired?

2006-11-25 04:41:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

have to agree with goldwing on this one,and if you "choose" to be gay well then you have to "choose" to be hetero.don't give me that god wired us all to be strait crap and that he made man and woman so they fit that way,that's weak,perhaps if god existed,then homosexuality may not exist,and we would all have sex for the sake of procreation ONLY.by the way,homosexuality has been observed in over 1,500 species(its more natural than you can believe),i suppose they all chose to be gay also,THE ONLY WAY TO UNDERSTAND BEING GAY IS IF YOU ARE GAY,and if you don't understand it,its natural for some people to justify their hate with their bibles and use ridiculous arguments like,how can kids know when they are gay,i have never seen a gay child,(this is a common argument when people say they knew at an early age) and i say to that,well i have never seen a hetero child either! sorry for the rant but some of these answers are hilarious and sad.

2006-11-24 09:42:28 · answer #5 · answered by jen 5 · 7 2

Keep in mind that those that think it was a choice are all straight. Straight and quite frankly ignorant of all REAL facts.

Look at the type of people who think its a choice. They are for the most part fundamentalist christians, right wing republicans, the poorly educated, those that hold other bigoted views toward many different groups, including racial minorities, non christians, people who don't vote the way they do (or would if they actually vote). In short its people most threatened by real facts. Facts and science are their enemies. If they have to deal with that their argument falls apart, as do their reasons for hating people and all they are left with is their own empty lives.

Everyday science and studies lead more to the side that its not a choice.

Your choice is do you believe bigots or intelligent thoughtful studies.

2006-11-24 09:42:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

No one knows.

Studies may show some differences, but those differences aren't existent in everyone who is gay. Additionally, who is to say that the differences they have found is a "gay" gene. Maybe it has something to do with something trivial like the way their tongue is attached.

I do think some people are born with certain characteristics that our society has interpreted as "gay", but again, it is not society, or shouldn't be, the one who tells someone what they are.

I do have friends that don't believe they were born gay, but are now gay. They have made a choice. So, I do know some people have chosen to be "gay". I also know others who say they were born that way. So, the cirlce goes. No one knows. Maybe someday we will. I hope so.

2006-11-24 09:31:08 · answer #7 · answered by straightup 5 · 1 6

The only choice is between the beliefs of bigots and homophobes or the facts that sociological and scientific data tells us.

The bigots are losing this one too, like everything else they are left with nothing but a dumb look on their faces (again!).

2006-11-24 09:50:25 · answer #8 · answered by jack b 2 · 4 1

Here is what I believe on this matter although I have no proof. I believe that gay males are born different from straight males. What those differences are in anatomical, physiological, biochemical, genetic terms has not to date been determined. We are in the very early stages of learning about these matters and it is imperative that we all remain open-minded with respect to just what they might be.

Regardless of the exact nature of those inborn factors, I believe that in certain societies, among them our own and all Western societies, these inherited differences establish an essentially inescapable proclivity toward the development of homosexuality.

At a very early age, I believe, much too early for the gay male to even recall the events, these inherited differences begin to affect his interactions with his male peers who are destined in adulthood to become straight males. He gradually becomes even more distinctive in many ways from those other male children. In our society, distinction leads to more distinction leads to more distinction like a snowball rolling downhill until finally all those small distinctions add up to rather large differences and the end result of all this for many is aloofness, separation, segregation and finally alienation.

(Incidentally, all of this occurs not because there is intrinsically anything wrong with homosexuality (most animals engage in this behavior at one time or another) but because the society can not or will not accept the truth about its origins and therefore creates problems which do not need to exist, problems for the gay community and problems for the straight community.)

I believe all of this takes place in the earliest developmental years, long before sexuality kicks in. Fundamentally, it has little even to do with sexuality. It has more to do with aggression (or lack of it), power hunger (or lack of it), and the inevitable social pecking order which is surreptitiously established. No one sees this occurring, not the child who will become gay, not the child who will become straight, not the parents nor the teachers, not the researchers, no one. It happens so early in life and so gradually that it is, in effect, invisible.

I would suspect that as a child and as a teenager many gay males have a love-hate relationship with other males. The reasons for this are too varied and too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say that over time the gay male learns more and more to gravitate toward his own kind. And the rest, as they say, is history. By adulthood the truly mature gay male has put all of this into perspective and is able at that point in time to accept the (non-homophobic) straight male as not-necessarily-any-longer the enemy.

In my view, homosexuality begins with inborn hereditary distinctions and continues to develop after leaving the womb with further differentiation of those initial inborn traits, influenced by psychological and sociological factors. This is not such an outrageous claim. After all, isn't everything we are born with influenced at some point in life by environmental factors?

The more outrageous part of my claim, perhaps, is that in our society children and teenagers who are destined as adults to be straight males actually play a role in the evolution of the gay male. If this is in fact true, then the (someday-to-be) straight male in our society in some strange, as yet undefined sense bears part of the responsibility for the eventual outcomes even though he was never aware of his own role in the process. This is ultimately what makes homophobia so ironic.

Some additional interesting reading material here:


2006-11-24 09:45:24 · answer #9 · answered by Seeker 4 · 4 4


2015-03-23 02:38:10 · answer #10 · answered by disneyland 2 · 0 0

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