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18 answers

omg youre so right, but i still always think of what i would do if i walked out of the stall and a handicapped person was waiting to use it. I would feel sooooo bad, lol

2006-11-24 09:18:40 · answer #1 · answered by Brittney 5 · 5 2

If people were more considerate of handicapped people then they wouldn't sneak into the handicapped toilet stalls. I've heard horror stories from a handicapped friend. She's had to wait a long, long time for a perfectly able-bodied person to come out of a handicapped toilet stall (she can't get her walker/frame into the many vacant regular stalls) and the person doesn't even apologize. I suggested she bang on the door next time and shout "If you're not handicapped you will be when I get through with you!"
People should do the math: 5-20 vacant regular stalls, 1 handicapped stall and the handicapped person has to wait 10-35 minutes and sometimes even go get a store or restaurant employee to come in and bang on the door and then someone comes out with a magazine and hasn't flushed a nasty #2... that's cruel.
Makes me soooo glad 4 urinals. No stalls, no handicapped/non-handicapped business.
Also it never seems to occur to most non-handicapped people that it may take the handicapped person a lot longer to get out of or into their car or into a toilet stall or through a doorway, so they treat them worse than other people and make them wait longer and inconvenience them by cutting in front or illegally parking or taking up a stall. Pathetic.

2006-11-24 17:28:06 · answer #2 · answered by fly boy 3 · 6 0

I agree with Al and Niceguy. If everyone could experience what it's like to be physically handicapped or very elderly or both for just one day then most people's attitudes would totally change.
It takes a lot of elderly people and physically handicapped people a lot more time and effort to do things all of us take for granted, like getting out of a car, getting into a car, walking into a business, fighting with doors to get in or out of places, waiting in line in the bathroom, waiting to use a toilet (they may even need a second person in the stall with them to help them so they don't fall).
It's not their fault they're handicapped.

2006-11-24 22:38:05 · answer #3 · answered by RedIsBlue 3 · 4 0

After reading the answers given already it must please most of you to mock the needs of a handicapped person. I only wish some people would have to go thru what a handicapped person goes thru day after day. Common sense should make it clear that a handicapped parking place is necessary for those who are unable to walk great lengths and for those who need wheelchairs or scooters. If you think for one minute that these people don't deserve these spots you need your heads examined and learn some common decency and respect for others. Rest rooms are also set up to accomodate haddicapped persons where it is also set up specifically for that reason also, but all handicapped people don't use them, only those with special needs.

2006-11-24 17:41:59 · answer #4 · answered by AL 6 · 5 0

Well, it's really NOT ok - they just haven't figured out what to do about it yet. Dirty looks only work if the 'offender' is sensitive enough to know that they got one! Nasty remarks tend to get retaliation; and I'm darned if I could figure out how they could give someone a ticket for it!

2006-11-24 17:21:20 · answer #5 · answered by Baby'sMom 7 · 7 0

handicapped parking space is meant for people that usually need room to pull out a ramp or put down thier lifts.

handicapped toilet-when you gotta go u gotta go!

2006-11-24 18:19:18 · answer #6 · answered by Avatar89 4 · 1 4

because when a car parks into a handicapped parking lot, they sit there for hours possibly. when someone uses the handicapped toilet, it takes 2 minutes at the most.

2006-11-24 17:18:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 7

Because even the handicapped can wait their turn there.

2006-11-24 20:34:44 · answer #8 · answered by iowamystic 3 · 2 4

good point
but cops don't hang out in the bathroom, they hang out in parking lots.

2006-11-24 17:20:56 · answer #9 · answered by ManderAnne 3 · 6 1

nobody really supervised the bathroom I guess, it's just being able to sit in the handicap theater chairs at the movies.

2006-11-24 17:18:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

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