One piece of advice: Try asking more directional questions rather than a title question.
Theory of natural selection is a model for explaining the mutational changes that species go through in nature by the pass of time. Even Darwin had to go through guess work when he had to talk about the origin of species.
The strongest evidence nowadays about the same ancestory you asked for is the DNA. well if you analyze the DNA of the magpie the crow, human and a bacteria together they are roughly all the same let's say at least 90% of it are alike. So one can deduce that maybe one day they were all oroginated from a single molecule as a start but went through different mutations to form different kinds of species in time
2006-11-22 20:43:20
answer #1
answered by pioneer_colonel 2
Rules for evolution;
There must be variation within a species (ie. some members of a species have more hair then others, some are different sades and colours)
There must be an environmental change (ie new competition for resources, a change in the chemical makeup of the environment, a climate change etc)
The variation must be passed on to the new generation.
Not all offspring can survive and reproduce.
I'm pretty sure that's all of them, but that is off the top of my head.
This means that the variation within a species is passed on to a greater proportion of the population, and eventually all of the population will have that characteristic.
If there was one species of bird which had a population stretching over a large distance and there was different environmental changes in the two halves of that area, different variation within the species would allow the species to evolve differently.
Say in one area, a new competitor for food was introduced the organisms in that area who were faster and better at gathering food would survive and reproduce more then those who werent, causing that species to have a larger proportion of organism with those favorable characteristic. The organisms in the other area may have been affected by a different change so a different variation would have been beneficial and so that population would have evolved differently.
2006-11-23 22:57:10
answer #2
answered by Evilstrawberry 3
Charles Darwin observed the variety of organisms in existence. He saw that each one was adapted to its particular environment and realized that the better adapted were the ones to survive and pass on those genes for better adaptations. Each organism is said to have established its ecological niche. In small and isolated populations, random mutations sometimes accounts for odd traits that are not seen elsewhere on the globe in similar species.
Birds are all descended from a common ancestor, a dinosaur, and have many traits in common. Individual bird species may be more or less alike depending on what traits they have evolved in particular locations. By natural selection, those will be traits that have helped the organism (bird, mammal, plant, ect.) survive and pass on those genes.
All living organisms on our planet have a common ancestor, if we go back far enough, which is why we all have DNA.
2006-11-23 06:36:56
answer #3
answered by joanmazza 5
Charles Darwin stated that the animals are not created at once and could not change.
He stated that if you have a species , only the animals more adapted to fight for their food will survive and that their characteristics will be transmitted to their descendants.
So suppose you have a country with their tall trees. The animal which has a long neck can more easily pick the leaves and find more easily his food. This gives to the animal more chances to find a partner for mating
2006-11-23 04:46:12
answer #4
answered by maussy 7
that is all you need to know.
charles darwins threory of evolution was a break through in science. we have different species because they all came from a common ancestor. animals evolved according to thier environment...for example: a tiger evolved those orange and black strip pattern to blend in with environment it was in...long grass, bushes and long trees. however, the lion evolved that tan coat because lions mostly live in tall dry grass. they evolved these attributes to better survive. natural selection is pretty much the strongest survive. so if your a tiger and you jumping skills suck[tigers ambush to kill prey]...your going to have a harder time catching your food to survive compared to a tiger that has stronger and more accurate jumping power.
sorry i dont know THAT MUCH about birds....but if you know the finch example how finches evolved different kidns of beaks...each bird evolved a different beak to do its own specific job. theyre all finches but they are different because of the environment they live in.
2006-11-23 04:37:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
charles darwin said that plants and animals evolve from each other like a man from an ape.
2006-11-23 09:46:16
answer #6
answered by Bluffmaster 1
go to national geographic and search Charles Darwin and their is a article about it.
2006-11-23 04:27:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous