believe what????
2006-11-22 19:20:50
answer #1
answered by Lek 6
At first when I heard about it I thought it was a joke but once I saw the video I couldn't believe he said that he took it too far, as a comedian he knows where the line is drawn. Also the fact that they where Booing kramer doesn't make it right for him to throw a outburst like that. He should know better. And that appology was crap......"I can't believe i said that, im not a racist" oh come on thats the most stupid exuse ever!
2006-11-23 03:30:47
answer #2
answered by Pablo 1
We have to remember it's not kramer it is the actor. It was racist and uncalled for; all decent comedians know how to handle hecklers w/o offending a whole race. He has issues because last year he made some anti semetic remarks at a comedy club, so he need to make like the dixie chicks and "Shut up" but not sing just make us laugh without hurting people, and if he can't then he's not worth it.
2006-11-23 03:23:02
answer #3
answered by Narcissa K 5
Michael Richards, the actor who plays Kramer on Seinfeld, did what he did. I feel that he was wrong & the confession on Letterman was "staged" because Jerry was already signed as a guest & he prompted Letterman to "save" Richards by airing the confession.
Richards was wrong in what he did. If there's a heckler in the audience, so be it. Do your job & get on with it. Apparently this person hit a nerve with him & he was wrong in how he went about it.
I don't think he career is over, more publicity people will be knocking on his door now, more than ever.
That's my view.
2006-11-23 03:52:52
answer #4
answered by hey you 5
The People Have Spoken and O.J.s out and the Kramer guy's career is over. It's been a good week for Americans who are addicted to popular culture. I didn't know they had such good taste, but you pleasantly surprised me.
Also, the appropriate parties should sue his ***. Then maybe I'll consider his debt somewhat appeased, you can't go to jail, unfortunately because it's supposedly protected under free speech, but wouldn't it be funny to picture him in prison now?
2006-11-23 03:24:58
answer #5
answered by 2golightly 2
i dont care im not kramer and neither are you what does it matter not like u live with him or anything
2006-11-23 04:03:02
answer #6
answered by Jewels 2
Worse things have happened. People are under a tremendous amount of stress. I guess his career is over.I feel bad for him. I know in my life, I've said some stupid things out of anger. Nobody died. We can play the blame game, but how many of us can forgive someone, anyone?
2006-11-23 03:25:49
answer #7
answered by firestarter 6
I saw his apology on david letterman and thought it was fake if you use those words when your angry, than that means you use them all the time or think them and that does make you a racist. Don't get me wrong i'm sure those hecklers were being jerks but call them that not all these other foul words.
2006-11-23 03:31:52
answer #8
answered by andrephoenix 4
I was shocked and mad that he did that. honestly i think he was on something. because of what he did the ratings for Seinfield reruns are gonna go down because he just lost the whole black community 4 them including me!! no da big did not say blacks need to get over it i think he is racist 2!!
2006-11-23 03:21:50
answer #9
answered by ghetto fabolous 4
what did kramer do? whos kramer?
2006-11-23 03:21:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think that it was horrible the way he reacted. He had no right to re-act to them in that way, no matter if they were heckling him or not. I think that he just kissed whatever is left over of his career good-bye. At least in my eyes, he did. Serves him right too.
2006-11-23 05:10:36
answer #11
answered by ophelia2004_6 2