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Leno NEVER tells Bush jokes, but he is STILL telling those stale Bill Clinton b l o w j o b jokes! HEL-LO! It's 2006! The man has been out of office for almost 6 years!! There have been a LOT of idiotic things Bush has done, but Leno never tells jokes about them!! It seems like any time anything topical that Bush does is fodder for other TV hosts, Jay whips out the Clinton b l o w j o b jokes instead!

So, is Leno a total Bush sycophant, or WHAT?

2006-11-22 18:43:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

7 answers

BJ jokes get a cheap laugh. Unfortunately, Bush's mistakes are much more serious, so it's tough to joke about them. Or could you imagine this:

"Another 25 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq today. Dubya said he's looking for a way out, but he can't find his anus with both hands and a funnel!" (crickets chirp)

2006-11-22 18:46:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Huh, never noticed. I stopped watching Leno years ago... Maybe he is. Maybe that's why I stopped watching.

Occasionally Letterman will make a Clinton joke, but he loves his Bush jokes... Great moments in presidential speeches. I love it. I think I stay up late, for those 15 seconds.

2006-11-23 04:10:39 · answer #2 · answered by 2golightly 2 · 1 0

No. Jay makes Bush jokes all the time; you just have your Bias Detector turned on too high. Go to the following page for an interview with Mr. Leno regarding the very subject:


2006-11-26 23:21:03 · answer #3 · answered by Leroy Johnson 5 · 1 0

I'm on a site to answer TV trivia and now I have to look up the word "sycophant"...Jay Leno is a putz, David Letterman has always been the king of late night.

2006-11-23 09:26:45 · answer #4 · answered by comicaldad 4 · 1 1

You obviously don't watch Leno because your premise is 180 degrees WRONG! Half of his monologue EVERY NIGHT is dedicated to bashing Bush!

2006-11-23 03:21:23 · answer #5 · answered by david p 4 · 3 1

Jay Leno's earnings put him in the group "I can do as I like" you on the other hand have a remote....exercise the freedom of choice to use it!!!!

2006-11-23 02:55:23 · answer #6 · answered by renclrk 7 · 0 3

maybe he is

2006-11-23 02:44:48 · answer #7 · answered by Best Guy 3 · 1 0

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