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2006-11-22 18:28:11 · 5 answers · asked by mare0705 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

Sorry about the way I wrote this equation, it should be,


2006-11-22 19:03:50 · update #1

5 answers

the expression of your equation is confusing. It has 2 interpretation but I will solve the two for sure.

your equation is s=H/b-a

1. consider that variable a is not included in the fraction.
first, transpose the term H/b to the left that will be

s - H/b = -a

then, divide both sides by -1 to make the variable a
positive that will give you :

a = H/b - s

2. consider that a is included in the fraction
your equation will be:

s = H/(b - a)

first, by cross multiplication you will get

sb - sa = H

next, transpose the term sb to the right

- sa = H - sb

then divide by - s to get the value of a

you will get a = (sb - H)/s

Im sure any of the two interpretation I get from it
it is in you to decide what you are going to choose.

2006-11-22 18:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by jdash01 3 · 0 0

First We need a on Left hand side

SO multiply throughout by b-a

s(b-a)=H (b-a) in denominator cancels with b-a in numerator after multiplication

expand bracket


bring H on other side and sa on right side to avoid -ve


divide by s to get a


further solve right hand side

a= b-(H/s)

2006-11-23 02:35:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

Multiply both sides of the equation by (b-a)
So s (b-a) = H
Divide both sides by s
So b-a = H/s
Subtract b from both sides
So -a = H/s - b
Multiply both sides by (-1)
So a = b - H/s

2006-11-23 02:40:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

s = H/b - a

sb = b(H/b) - ab

sb = H - ab

sb - H = H - ab - H

sb - H = - ab

sb/b - H/b = - ab/b

s - H/b = a

The answer is a = s - H/b

- - - - -s-

2006-11-23 09:46:23 · answer #4 · answered by SAMUEL D 7 · 0 0

=>s*(b-a) = H
=>s*b - s*a = H
=> - s*a = H - s*b
=> s*a = s*b - H
=> a = (s*b - H)/s = b - (H/s)

2006-11-23 04:42:03 · answer #5 · answered by Paritosh Vasava 3 · 0 0

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