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I've tried everything to get rid of open pores and blackheads on my nose but they just come back the next day! Cleansing strips dry it out and don't work that well! anyone with a perfect nose, is it just like that or do you do something to help it?

2006-11-22 17:49:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

8 answers

Try a pore reducing mask and also try exfoliating your skin. These have to be done at least twice a week. I use both and they help a lot.

2006-11-22 17:54:09 · answer #1 · answered by timeoutformiesha 3 · 0 0

Oh, I figured this one out ^_^! Cleansing works, but it opens pores. Open pores attract dust, and can bring back blackheads. To prevent this, cleans and apply a facial moisturizing creme RIGHT AFTERWARDS with a clean make-up sponge. And wash your face with cold water everyday when you wake up, because it washes away dirt that settles during the night. Follow this, and your nose WILL look clear ^_^.

2006-11-23 04:57:23 · answer #2 · answered by roxusan 4 · 0 0

This might take more than your average household cure, if you go to your doctor they could prescribe some special medication which will most likely rid you of your blackheads and stuff. My friend had somewhat of a similar problem, after he went to the doctor and got some medication, the problem was visibly getting better.

2006-11-23 01:53:08 · answer #3 · answered by Sensei 3 · 1 0

It might be help you!
Try this step...

1) Cleansing your nose area with soft and complete apply.
2) Tone your nose area with toner. ( from natural sauce toner
seggested )
3) Try to put Biore Pore Pack. ( It help to clear the dust at your
nose area )

Have a great job!

2006-11-23 02:29:20 · answer #4 · answered by Abdul Halim Y 1 · 0 0

some people have more blackheads than others. i have found that using "neutrogena deep clean cream cleanser" works well. it's not a face wash. it's something you put on after you wash your face and tingles similar to noxzema. but if you use this daily on your face, i think over a couple of weeks you'll notice that your blackheads are smaller or have gone away. good luck!

2006-11-23 07:40:15 · answer #5 · answered by somebody's a mom!! 7 · 0 0

i use st. ives blemish and blackhead clearing scrub whenever my nose gets this way. clears it right up in a couple of uses. i hope it works for you too.

2006-11-23 17:12:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go to www.skintaxtic.com..it costs 25 bucks and the product specifically for blackheads

2006-11-23 01:53:45 · answer #7 · answered by LoVeLy 3 · 0 0

if you figure it out tell me

2006-11-23 01:52:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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