# Greenwich Mean Time. The time at Greenwich, England, which is used as the basis for standard time throughout the world.
# Greenwich Mean Time
# Greenwich Mean Time. This is Universal Time, the time at the prime meridian.
# Greenwich Mean Time, as dictated by the international clock in Greenwich, England, the only official worldwide time and originating from the location of the position of zero longitude. (Used by commercial pilots worldwide)
# Greenwich Mean Time (now known as Universal Coordinated Time)
# GMT is a mathematical mean, defined in terms of the solar second, measured at the former location of the Royal Observatory in England, located on the Prime Meridian (zero degrees longitude). GMT is useful for navigation (when converted to UT1, which is outside the scope of this document), but not for time-keeping programs. ...
# The same reference time as Universal Time (UT); the time at 0 degrees longitude (the prime meridian) that passes through Greenwich, England. top H
# Time standard based upon the Prime Meridian and used for most meteorological applications and activities. See UTC and ZULU.
# The time zone which includes Greenwich, England, and which is bisected by 0 Degree Longitude. This is the time notation which is used for booking international satellite time. (also referred to as ZULU Time)
# Often used as a standard time zone. In email headers, you will often see references to the hours offset from GMT. Australian Eastern Standard Time, for example, is GMT plus 10-hours because of the 10 hour difference between Greenwich, England and the Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST).
# Greenwich Mean Time is a time zone measured from the Prime Meridian of the World at Greenwich, England. It is a standardized date and time that is stamped on all documents submitted into the TradeCard System.
# The meridian from which all time zones are calculated (Greenwich England) for instance; local time Bangkok is 7 hours ahead of GMT (GMT+7).
# Greenwich Mean Time, used as universal standard time.
# G - reenwich M - ean T - ime: Time at 0° or the Prime Meridian passing through Greenwich England. A - lso Universal T - ime C - oordinated (UTC). In aviation Zulu Time.
# Greenwich Mean Time, the standard for all international time.
# Time measured in Greenwich Mean Time. Coordinated universal time is a newer standard. A time standard that is not affected by time zones or seasons.
# Greenwich mean time. In the 1840s the standard time kept by the Royal Greenwich Observatory located at Greenwich, England was established for all of England, Scotland, and Wales, replacing many local times in use in those days. Subsequently GMT became the official time reference for the world until 1972 when it was subsumed by the atomic clock-based coordinated universal time (UTC). GMT is also known as universal time.
# The name of the twenty-four hour time scale which is used throughout the scientific and military communities. Standard Time begins at Greenwich, England, home of the Royal Observatory which first utilized this method of world time. This is also the Prime Meridian of Longitude. The globe is divided into twenty-four (24) time zones of 15 degrees of arc, or one hour in time apart. ...
# Greenwich Mean Time. A global standard for time. Synonyms: universal time coordinated (UTC); zulu time. GOM -- Gulf of Mexico.
# Greenwich Mean Time: the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere
# Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich near London in England, which by convention is at 0 degrees geographic longitude. Theoretically, noon Greenwich Mean Time is the moment when the Sun crosses the Greenwich meridian (and reaches its highest point in the sky in Greenwich). ...
# GMT refers to: * Greenwich Mean Time* the Generic Mapping Tools* Giant Magellan Telescope* Good Morning Toronto, the title of the weather morning show which began in 1996? on The Weather Network
2006-11-22 16:05:35
answer #1
answered by deadman 3
Greenwich Mean Time (zulu or UTC)
GMT Generic Mapping Tools (software)
GMT Giant Magellan Telescope
GMT Glasgow Museum of Transport (Scotland)
GMT Geometric Mean Titer (vaccination)
GMT Get Me Tickets
GMT Gunner's Mate (Technician, USN Rating)
GMT General Military Training
GMT Good Management Practice
GMT Glass Mat Thermoplastic
GMT Ground Moving Target
GMT Ground Multiband Terminal
GMT Groupe Multidisciplinaire Sur l'action Internationale Contre Le Terrorisme (French: Multidisciplinary Group on International Action against Terrorism, EC)
GMT Global Media Transfer (Harris Automation)
GMT Guided Missile Transport
Generalized Multi-Pole Technique
GMT GACT Multiterminal
GMT Green Metric Ton
GMT Glen Moore Transportation, Inc.
GMT Guided Missile Target
2006-11-22 16:12:24
answer #2
answered by rahbonzy 2
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (zulu or UTC)
GMT GACT Multiterminal
GMT General Military Training
GMT Generalized Multi-Pole Technique
GMT Generic Mapping Tools (software)
GMT Geometric Mean Titer (vaccination)
GMT Get Me Tickets
GMT Giant Magellan Telescope
GMT Glasgow Museum of Transport (Scotland)
GMT Glass Mat Thermoplastic
GMT Glen Moore Transportation, Inc.
GMT Global Media Transfer (Harris Automation)
GMT Good Management Practice
GMT Green Metric Ton
GMT Ground Moving Target
GMT Ground Multiband Terminal
GMT Groupe Multidisciplinaire Sur l'action Internationale Contre Le Terrorisme (French: Multidisciplinary Group on International Action against Terrorism, EC)
GMT Guided Missile Target
GMT Guided Missile Transport
GMT Gunner's Mate (Technician, USN Rating
2006-11-22 16:03:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Greenwich Mean Time or Greenwich Meridian Time
Here is a link which explains GMT
2006-11-22 16:09:40
answer #4
answered by Vanchaser 3
Greenwich Mean Time
2006-11-22 16:06:38
answer #5
answered by soulguy85 6
I agree With Travel
Named for a city in Greenwich, England, i believe
- it is "ground zero" for time zones
2006-11-22 15:57:42
answer #6
answered by tomkat1528 5
It's Gross Mational Troduct. It's how much the nation produces in a year.
2006-11-22 16:04:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
greenwich mean time.
2006-11-22 15:56:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous