for 14 dollars you can get mary kay foundation that will complement your complextion try the ivory 100, 104,or 105.
my sisters is olive and she uses this, just try the shade you like
you won't be disappointed.
2006-11-22 16:19:54
answer #1
answered by jmc 2
Akka, this is very common among Indians as sometimes I'm as an Indian Boy feels in the same way. the Revlon, Bobbi Brown, MAC companies have many shades of foundation,concealers,powders and mineral foundations which suits our Indian skin tone. our skin tone is considered as BRONZE. So, if can choose shades from the BRONZERS collection.....
2016-05-22 20:25:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have the same problem. I have been using a "whipped" foundation. It blends a lot better with my skin and it doesn't leave "lines" around my face. I usually stick to a classic ivory. Then I set it with a translucent powder and highlight with a bronzer so I don't look so washed out and pale. liquid and powder foundations have always made me look like a ghost or like I'm too red in the face.
2006-11-22 16:21:58
answer #3
answered by candy 2
You need to go to a good Department Store like Dillard's or Macy.s they are very helpful and will have the products available that compliments your skin. You can also check Avon and Mary Kay, if these Stores are not available in your area. If you want really good make up advise, they have the knowledge and it is their business to make you look your very best, they want you to become a regular customer. Good Luck.
2006-11-22 15:41:46
answer #4
answered by mimi 4
I wouldn't spend money on a beauty consultant. When you can
do it yourself, with choosing different colors and experimenting.
But I saw your pic, I say use a honey beige foundation, for olive
skin. That's what I use, I can't use light color. And I think you
would look really great wearing coral, and bronze colors. Like a
shimmer coral lipstick, and a bronze blush. ( blend good and not
to dark) Cause you want to look natural. and use a brn. eyelid
color. To test foundation, dab a little on your hand and blend, you
need to go one shade darker than your hand.
2006-11-22 16:02:34
answer #5
answered by CraZyCaT 5
I believe you're right. You definitely don't wan't something that's pinkish. Stay with the ones that look very neutral. Just make sure it's as close to your natural skin color as possible or go a little bit lighter, but try not to go darker because it can look blotchy and will be hard to blend.
2006-11-22 15:53:14
answer #6
answered by spaacedogg 3
Bare Escentuals has a medium tan foundation. Or even the medium (just medium) might work for you. It isn't beige or yellow or orange...believe me, I have been on a hunt for the right one too. They have a website or they're sold on QVC. Q is cool, cos if it isn't good for you, you can return it! They also have stores where you can try it on.
2006-11-22 16:30:48
answer #7
answered by mich 3
you look like you have beautiful skin already so let me suggest the foundation that i use. it is "l'oreal paris true match". at the store there is a color chart that you hold up to your skin. the color dot that "disappears" when against your skin is the one that matches your skintone. there are a variety of colors so i have no doubt that they will have a perfect shade for you. good luck!!
2006-11-22 23:46:24
answer #8
answered by somebody's a mom!! 7
go and get perfect match foundation or maybeline mat moose
2006-11-22 15:43:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous