if they test ok then try them if not dispose of them at Home Depot in the tool section they have containers for them help the planet
2006-11-22 15:20:29
answer #1
answered by sportlvr45 4
almost all expiration dates are very conservative, meaning that the item will probably last quite a bit longer than the expiration date indicates. I'm guessing the batteries will be good at least another 6-12 months, and your testing bears that out. I would definitely use them--what do you have to lose? In most cases, the worst that will happen is that they won't last as long as a fresh battery. Obviously, I wouldn't use them if your health or safety depends on a long lasting battery, e.g., you're taking them on a wilderness hike to power a critically needed device, and you can't take replacements.
2006-11-22 23:09:30
answer #2
answered by Marcella S 5
If they test OK they're still usable. The expiration date is only an estimate. The batteries may have a little less service life than if they were brand new but they shouldn't go to waste.
2006-11-22 23:06:52
answer #3
answered by dukefenton 7
I would just use them...but only for unimportant things. Don't use them for anything really vital though! Expiration dates are just an educated guess-timate.....but not carved in stone.
2006-11-23 03:12:50
answer #4
answered by oldtrash06 4
just because they have a experasion date on them doesn't mean anything that is when the store has to sell them by go ahead and still use them if they say they still hold charge but if you decide to throw them out send them my way we go threw batteries like they are water email me at kcbryan2003@yahoo.com and i will tell you where to send them if you are wanting to throw them out happy thanksgiving
2006-11-22 23:06:46
answer #5
answered by christy b 3
As long as they work use them.That date is usealy for the sell by date.If not sold by that time they cant sell them.
2006-11-22 23:13:53
answer #6
answered by Larry-Oklahoma 7
It is kinda like the tag on your mattress that says " do not remove under penalty of law". It is for the retailer, not you.
2006-11-22 23:55:58
answer #7
answered by T C 6
Why throw them away? Use them till theres nothing left of them. Drain them for all their worth!
2006-11-22 23:04:53
answer #8
answered by Crissy 5
use em if you want...but since theyre past expiration they won't be as useful...
2006-11-22 23:03:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, I wouldn't eat them. They're probably spoiled!
2006-11-22 23:08:05
answer #10
answered by terry t 6