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i used to have cingular wireless with a motorola v220 with a contract. then i canceled the phone. last week my prepaid net 10 wireless phone broke so i just stayed with the sim card. i remembered about the cingular phone so i decided to stick in the net 10 sim card into my phone. then i turned my phone on and it is not blocked. it appears as if the phone works and everything but i do not get signal. what can i do to get signal. i checked my phone number on the cingular cellphone and the net 1- phone number appears. the only problem is i dont have a signal. anyone has advice as to what to do to the phone to make it get a signal.

2006-11-22 14:05:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Cell Phones & Plans

2 answers

I don't know much about this, but if you're using the sim card from your Cingular phone, it should have been deactivated on Cingular's end when you canceled your service. The card is programmed to know where it came from and which network to connect to.

I thought I could do the same thing when I switched from Sprint to T-Mobile, but the T-Mobile phone wouldn't work with the Sprint card.

2006-11-22 14:22:25 · answer #1 · answered by DA 5 · 0 0

They should be banned from schools because it only causes distractions to the student, peers, and teachers. Although some might claim that cellphones are for emergency use only, it is still not a logical explanation to keep the phone on during a class. If it is an emergency, ones parents should contact the school first. Also, if one has an appointment to uphold (such as a dental or doctor), then ones parents should again contact the school and schedule a release time for their child to leave school. Cellphones should also be banned because it shows no respect for the teacher. If a teacher takes time out of their day to teach a student, the very least a student could do to show their appreciation would be to pay attention and cancel out all distraction. Cellphones cause students not to pay attention. In relation to the previous statement, it could also be the cause of ones overall class score to be lower than it could be. Since it is often difficult to pay attention while doing something else completely unrelated (such as text messaging on the cellphone), it is difficult for the brain to absorb the information the ears are receiving. Cellphones are convenient, but the use of it should be kept to outside of the class room where they will not distract students, distract others, and disrespect the teacher. For the record, I'm a 10th grade student. :]

2016-05-22 20:00:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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