never I pray...............
2006-11-22 13:37:13
answer #1
answered by cork 7
The cause of crime is people, not necassarily their income or drug use. You can buy music legally and some people still choose to download free illegal tracks. You can legally buy liquor and tobaccoo and pepole still steal and get in a mess from using them. . So legalising drugs probably wouldn't eliminate crime. But it would provide tax revenue and it would reduce the high number of deaths from accidental overdoses from exceptionally pure or badly cut batches, labelling the content would cut allergic reactions to additives (Eg talcum powder used to cut cocaine has put users who have allergic reation to the talc, not the drug, into a coma, if they had known the talc was there they would have tried another supplier!!) content info helps doctors know how to treat users.. Undoubtedly the purchase enviroment would be less risky to the consumer if sold via a licensed scheme and as with alcohol age restrictions and licensing regulations work to some extent. I've worked in clubs and drug users are often less trouble than drunks :)
2006-11-22 15:57:30
answer #2
answered by skye05 1
Will i will not go as far as heroin shooting galleries but will say that countrys that has gave dr the power for cig diped in herion at a drug store crime has droped 50 to 70 percent,an just go ahead an legalized marj an hash inside cafe an your home tax it an use the taxes for social securty
2006-11-22 13:45:14
answer #3
answered by bigdogrex 4
yes if only because then the importing of the drugs will be taken away from crime lords, however the suggestion by the police is not legalised shooting galleries it is the opposite it is putting herion addicts on a scheme whereby they get thier drugs at the hospital and take them there in measured doses with the aim of getting them unadicted by weaning them off, rather than getting impure drug from a dealer and committing crimes to pay for it - hash cafes on the other wouldn't be full of people commiting crimes to pay for it partly because hash isn't addictive and you only need to compare the level of crime in amsterdam to any UK major city to see that it doesnt cause crime pot heads are too mellow
2006-11-22 17:21:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
you're almost talking about Vancouver BC. i think it's a great idea. cuts out the black market, and gives people who would be shooting up anyway (in public on the streets), and sharing needles, a place to do it safely. people won't start doing heroin just because there is a safe place to do it, at least i wouldn't.
the one in Vancouver has 650 visitors a day. many of those are fully functional, respected members of society who happen to be addicted. so what? smoking cigs is just as addictive, and can be as harmful, people do that in public everywhere.
Vancouver cops support the shooting galleries. hash cafe's not so much, too many hippies. low rate crime anyway....
2006-11-22 13:44:46
answer #5
answered by B.B Top 3
One of the lecturers at my old university ran a study where they studied the effects of prescribing pure heroin as opposed to methadone to treat heroin addicts. The results showed that those given pure heroin were less likely to commit crime, were healthier, had better mental health, were more likely to get a job and were less likely to seek out illegal heroin (and thus commit crimes to pay for it).
The current treatment for heroin addiction is methadone. Methadone is as if not more addictive than heroin and leads to other health problems. It also doesn't cut out the need for heroin so those taking methadone will still seek out illegal heroin and commit crime to fund this habit.
When you look at the facts of Heroin you see that it is a very safe drug when given pure and in a controlled environment. Heroin is the drug given to terminally ill patients to ease pain when they are dying (dia morphine). Dia morphine (Heroin) is extremely cheap to manufacture and to buy from legal sources for hospital use. I seem to recall a Channel 4 documentary about heroin where several "addicts" were interviewed who had been using the drug for over twenty years. these addicts were doctors and they lived nornmal lives! It is the fact that heroin is illegal that we have so much crime and the fact that it is cut with so many other substances that it causes health problems.
2006-11-22 18:49:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Get the gangsters off the streets.
I live in Philly and we have had more then 300 murders this year. Most gang/drug trafficking related.
Open LEGAL 'shooting galleries' and 'hash cafes and the murders will stop.
No more little children getting shot just because because some gangsters could not decide who controls the corner.
Can you explain to me why THIS must keep happening?
Will little children get killed by legal hash? Doubt it.
2006-11-22 17:42:18
answer #7
answered by hq3 6
ok; firstly. drugs dont cause crime.. poverty and low self esteem causes people to use drugs...and that causes crime.
giving junkies heroin...well next youll be giving alcoholics bottles of Jack... (and yes ive used morphine, which is heroin, but im an amputee, and a pretty nurse scored for me 3 times a day...for 3 months she stuck it im my bum... they released me out and i went cold turkey ( i didnt realise at the time) yes it was bloody unpleasant..but ive had worse hangovers..admittedly they didnt last for 3 weeks... but i was once told, the only difference between us humans and animals is we can say no.
and if we give junkies smak, arent we condoning class A drug abuse... class A's kill you... and its a wrong message.. we may be percieved as a nanny state... but this has got to be the tail wagging the dog... and its wrong, on so many levels.
3 weeks screaming in a dry cell... mind you, i dont care, junkies are a lower form of life... parasites...all of them.
drug controls need ot be bought within the law.. if its illegal its dealt on street corners to anyone with the money to spend... dealt from cafe's at least youd have some control, with draconian prison sentences for breaking the law.
tax it.. so whats new... and use the taxes raised to open proper treatment centres.
2006-11-22 14:05:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No i think it will make young and impressionable people think that it is socially acceptable to take these drugs, and crime will never stop as a lot of drug users lack the mental capacity to know between right and wrong. No it wont bloody cut causes of crime. We will turn our country into Amsterdam
2006-11-22 14:15:16
answer #9
answered by lady.x 3
I wish I knew. It's so hard to believe that it will reduce crime, simply because there are so many greedy people in this world the more you give them the more they will want and I suspect that this "FREE " heroin will be ' rationed ' to so much per addict and in some cases, it could prove to be unwise because they will still have the cash in their pockets which should have paid for their fix, now that cash will be spare and that will enable them to buy more.
2006-11-22 13:50:15
answer #10
answered by Sierra One 7
If illegal drugs were legalised it would take the profit out of drug dealing and smuggling.this would cut crime, stop billions being wasted on the 'war on drugs' stop crimilising ordinary free thinking people.but of course no politician has the backbone to do what they know is the correct and obvious thing to do
2006-11-22 14:13:18
answer #11
answered by philip s 1