fractions are usually of the same units. Meaning the top and bottom number are of the same type, and are more comonly just numbers.
Ratios can be like this but don't need to be. If i have 5 apple and 10 oranges the ratio of apples to oranges is 5/10, but i cannot say i have .5 orangples (you can have .5 apples/oranges though). This is because the top is different then the bottom... it is akin to having y/x.
This is the answer i think you are looking for, but remember that it is still a fraction -- it is just irreducible. Just remember that sometimes the units of the numbers on top and bottom of the ratio will actually be the same even if we are talking about different things (like area and circum.).
2006-11-22 13:08:17
answer #1
answered by xian gaon 2
They are not different. Fraction and ratio are two words for the same thing. A ratio of 3 to 2 is the same as a 3/2 fraction. I am sorry. It IS really the same. I wonder why you ask, but if you have read in a mathematics book or something that it should be different things, that book is simply wrong.
2006-11-22 12:57:21
answer #2
answered by First L 2
I'd say that they're different, but related. Ratios are more "generic".
There's a good explanation at
Ratios express the relative size of one quantity compared to another quantity.
Fractions are special ratios where the second quantity (the denominator) is always "the total".
For example, if you have a bucket that contains 2 apples and 3 oranges:
-- The ratio of apples to oranges is 2:3.
-- The ratio of apples to total fruit in the basket is 2:5 (or 2/5 as a fraction).
-- The ratio of oranges to apples is 3:2.
-- The ratio of oranges to total fruit in the basket is 3:5 (or 3/5 as a fraction).
If we add 4 bananas to the basket, then:
-- The ratio of apples to bananas is 2:4, or 1:2.
-- The ratio of apples to all fruit is 2:9 or 2/9.
-- The ratio of bananas to oranges is 4:5.
-- The ratio of oranges to all fruit is 5:9 or 5/9.
-- The ratio of bananas to total fruit in the basket is 4:9 or 4/9.
2006-11-22 20:18:39
answer #3
answered by Jim Burnell 6
A ratio is more general. It describes the relationship between two numbers. A fraction is specifically one number divided by another.
2006-11-22 13:06:10
answer #4
answered by zak_track 3
They are the same really. A ratio, fraction, and division problem are all the same.
2006-11-22 13:43:29
answer #5
answered by Roman Soldier 5
the molar ratio is the ratio between one part of the equation and yet another. EX: 2K+O------> K2O. the molar ratio is two:one million using fact there are 2 moles of ok for each one million mole of potassium oxide
2016-12-29 08:45:19
answer #6
answered by ? 3
ratios can be written a:b, a to b, or a/b
fractions are just a/b
2006-11-22 13:25:00
answer #7
answered by dandelionwine 2
ratios are written x:y while fractions are written x/y
2006-11-22 12:59:10
answer #8
answered by nyokosorano18 2