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which comforters are better for warm climates. polyester fill or goose down?

2006-11-22 12:41:14 · 2 answers · asked by virgo_07 2 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

2 answers

I always like down because they are cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I don't use down anymore because I was reading an article on how they get down. I always thought they gathered the feathers in a humane way. But, unfortunatly they hang the goose or duck upside down while they are alive and literally pluck them. Imagine how painful that would be to have your feathers ripped from your skin. Then after they do that, they keep them in cages and when they grow more feathers they do it again. It is a very painful and stressful process for the birds. They often endure infections. I will not buy down products anymore because I refuse to support the cruelty these birds endure.

2006-11-22 12:57:13 · answer #1 · answered by safjbielabglv 3 · 1 0

For a warm climate, polyester is probably warm enough. The best down will have you roasting. I sleep under a down comforter in winter but the heat is shut off to my bedroom radiator to conserve fuel and it gets to 50F or lower. If it gets to 60F or higher, I sweat so bad that I have to throw off the covers to dry out. As far as animal abuse, the best is eider down and these are wild birds that pluck their own breasts to line their nests. The down is collected a couple of times and the bird replenishes it. But then the collector leaves the nest alone. This business of hanging geese upside down...I've heard a horror story for every animal product available. That sort of kills one's credibility, especially if you've grown up in farm country and rarely if ever saw an animal abused. One can only cry wolf for so long. I think the easiest way to collect goose down would be the same way they collect eider down--from the nests. Why would you go to the trouble of plucking them when they'll do it themselves?

2006-11-22 13:19:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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