i agree something really needs to be done, have you seen crimewatch lately theres not many English people on it any more there all illegal immigrants that have committed serious crimes like rape and murder and society wonders why everyones so racist i say get them out whatever way necessary
2006-11-22 11:43:41
answer #1
answered by star1 2
ok i get you're point mate , but how should we do this ,, i am not dipping my hand into my own pocket to do this ! so give me details on how ? . This country is falling apart , years ago manufacturing in britain was brilliant steelworking , coalmining , shipyards, etc.. Ok there is still some of that , but not british owned , i mean i studied to be an engineer i am 31 and have been layed off 4 times and those companies have crumbled , i am now working as an engineer in a steelworks but it is spanish owned , i know i'm going of the subject here but i am just saying how crap britain is becoming , i recently went to London for a seminar on steel working and the hotel staff were all foreign and didn't understand a word ,, it'san absolute farce ,, THANKYOU BLAIR , THANKYOU ALL THE PPL THAT VOTED FOR LABOUR THINKING IT WAS A WORKING MANS PARTY , Bring back the tories that have britain written all over them , don't get me started please , as for mortgages i really feel sorry for the ppl who want to buy a house , but can't because they can't afford it , What the hell has this country become?? a freeloading haven ,i work my balls off and pay my taxes so some immigrant can claim money for nothing ,, i am not a racsist at all but something has to be done , do you know in 10 years time there will be more foreigners living in London than actual british born Londoners. I say it's nearly happening now. And i'm a Cardiff city fan , wheyyyy heyyyyyyy
2006-11-22 19:54:20
answer #2
answered by 株式会THE CITADEL 株式会 4
Poisoned? You know, they might be illegal but they are still people with wants, and feelings, and families. I'm sure this issue can be decided civilly. Maybe a compromise can be made? If not, then please, such cases should be handled professionally, with tact, it’s never good to invest so much of ourselves emotionally in something, this may cloud rational thought. If the other side does not choose to behave in a courteous manner, that still does not give one the excuse to behave similarly. One should hold himself to a higher standard.
It's never a good idea to let the public handle things of this importance. I've seen many people hurt because others take out their pain on strangers.
2006-11-22 19:47:03
answer #3
answered by pinacoladasundae 3
How would you know if they are illegal. How would you tell the difference between a legitamit worker and one who isnt. Do you just say they look forgien get rid of them? Have you given any thought as to how you are going to stop them from getting into Britain. Do you have a structured plan. When you say get rid of what do you exaclty mean? The British Empire went out into the world and poisoned (as you put it) many countries. And in doing so they were given the right to enter britian by law. Come up with a sound plan for it and then you might have a valid point.
Im British but i do not believe that your way it the correct way nor is it the British way of dealing with problems. You should think very carefully before coming out with statments like that. Afterall such actions will be judge by the rest of the world. We are a tiny island in a big world.
2006-11-22 19:49:01
answer #4
answered by wandera1970 6
Yeah...Total Anarchy is the way to go. Gangs of people roaming the streets beating the crap out of people they don't like. Not buying things for money... just steal them. No one has a job or has any responsbility. We end up living in our own filth and then we either become a fascist dictatorship with an elite few having all the power and wealth whilst ordinary people are killed for sneezing in the wrong place or we become a third world country and much the same happens.
Not exactly a well thought out plan there mate to be honest.
It's not just illegal imigration that has "poisoned" this country. The breakdown of communities and the selfishness of the indiginous population who would sell their own neighbours just to have a bit more money is quite a lot to do with it as well as people who think you can solve the worlds problems with mass criminality and bigotry.
Oh and it's spelt briTish. One T...
2006-11-22 19:54:06
answer #5
answered by Martin G 4
Worth considering.....!....but beware, the next step after that would be finding someone else.....so the possible answer is just get rid of the illegals that are causing problems/trouble, in reality we do need so many.....As the goverment doesn't give a **** this can only get worse.....
2006-11-22 19:57:21
answer #6
answered by Keith W 2
Well we out number them for one. The only thing is because of the stupid human rights act and P.C morons, we'd have to take on the government as well. Thats not necessarily a bad thing though. Bring on the revolution!!!
2006-11-22 19:39:08
answer #7
answered by First Ascent 4 Thistle 7
I can't believe you greedy ignorant British people think you have divine right just because you were lucky enough to be born in Britian.
You think just because you were born in Britian that you are superior.
I only see Brits in the council flats raising chavs for the white future
Whereas I see hardworking immigrants doing what we have become too lazy to do. I see previously immigrated and fully integrated indian families raising doctors for this country.
Kick out the lazy fat racist elitist sponging Brits
2006-11-22 20:18:49
answer #8
answered by Matthew C 2
no way it's down to the politicians always has been but there has to be a time when they say no to them. (and i am not racist) but economically it is unviable for this country to continue handing out hand out's to them and expecting the british public to foot the bill, this is how revolution starts.
send it on (revolution) this full government sucks big time real big LIAR LIAR.
arms dealing american sucking poodle lap dogs tony blair u suck big time
2006-11-22 19:37:29
answer #9
answered by MARTIN D 1
Nothing would be nicer, but there wouldn't be enough room in the jails for us all, after we'd all been arrested.
2006-11-22 20:32:42
answer #10
answered by Sierra One 7