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4 answers

Fly traps;cut it in strips & put in your plants nontoxen way.home inprovement stores have a bug killer for nats.they come from over watering your plants.dump out any extra watter in your caucers or tip it untell no more watter is comming out..

2006-11-22 09:30:38 · answer #1 · answered by plantlady159 3 · 0 0


You can get "bug zappers" (at least two) to get rid of them. The zapping sounds when they kill the insects can be annoying, but it's better than having them fly around.

Also; it is recommended that you phone a pool company and ask them if there is anything you can do to the water to keep these insects away. Mosquitoes and gnats love humidity so you have the perfect set-up for them.

2006-11-22 17:22:42 · answer #2 · answered by Fresh choice 4 · 0 0

They might be from house plants, use dish detergent and water and spray on plants, won't hurt plants but will kill the flies. Or maybe you have fruit in a dish drawing them.

2006-11-22 17:26:58 · answer #3 · answered by Faerie loue 5 · 0 0

"GNATS" are harmless, albeit annoying, and have an extremely short life span. Caused from,,, may not be exactly accurate. My personal opinion is they are one manifestation of GODS sense of humor,,, smiles.

Rev. Steven

2006-11-22 17:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 0 0

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