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My husband and I have a LOT of shoes, but a very narrow closet. We don't even have room to hang up one of those over-the-door things. We've tried putting the shoes in each of the far sides of the closet, but the space is so narrow and you have to really crawl uner shoes to pick and chose. I'm to the point of throwing them all in a basket and fishing for them! Any ideas?

2006-11-22 08:59:48 · 2 answers · asked by Suse 4 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

2 answers


If you have the space above the closet door then you may want to consider an extra shelf that runs horizontal of the closet and maybe consider adding a vertical divider at its center for his and hers shoes. Anything in excess of what it will store consider tossing.

2006-11-22 09:19:09 · answer #1 · answered by Fresh choice 4 · 1 0

We get clear plastic shoe containers from Big Lots for approx. 98 cents apart. We take photos of the shoes and put one on the front of each box and then we line them up under our bed. We have a 8 inch lift on our bed so we can stack the boxes. They are out of sight and the shoes are protected.

2006-11-22 09:02:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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