Walmart and Target are great for appliances, especially tomorrow morning! (friday after TG)
If you're low on cash, find the local Salvation Army store. It may carry furniture, and that will come cheap, but useful!
Get a couple things to cook in and eat off. A skillet and a sauce pan, cutting board, 2 plates and silverware, a few glasses, a whisk, a large spoon, a spatula, a couple sharp knives and a large bowl. Oh, and a cookie sheet.
A few towels, cleaning supplies (definitely).
Appliances - get a microwave first, then a hand mixer and a food processor if you can afford it. A blender can come later.
Get a comfortable chair or sofa first. Also a table, a bed, your toiletries and you're all set to start your apartment life!
Good luck and have fun!!
2006-11-22 09:07:27
answer #1
answered by korikill 4
Oh my! So much to list! For your kitchen I would suggest:
Large, medium, small saucepans with lids
10 or 12 inch fry pan
Large, medium, small mixing bowls
Measuring cups and spoons
Colander or strainer
Good set of kitchen knives, or at least an excellent paring knife
Cutting board
Spatulas, pancake turner, large spoons
Dish drainer
Dishes (at least place settings for four with dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, cup/saucer)
A couple of serving dishes
Cookie sheet
A couple of baking pans
Mixer, blender, toaster
Dishcloths and towels; hotpads
Get a couple of good flashlights and batteries, and some candles and matches in case the lights go out. (not sure what kinds of emergencies you're talking about, but if you want to stock up on food and stuff you'll have to figure out what you like to have on hand--especially things that don't need to be cooked)
Pier 1 has interesting things for somewhat reasonable prices (for funky furnishings) and so does Ikea. Look at garage sales and the Salvation Army Thrift stores and find things that you can refinish and personalize. For major appliances, check for discount appliance warehouses or diligently shop the ads for major stores like Sears and Best Buy.
Good luck in your transition!
2006-11-22 09:09:42
answer #2
answered by oldyogi 3
It all depends on what your apartment has for appliances....
You can get inexpensive dishes, utencils and few basic pots and pans at any department/discount stores. Toilet items are the must.... towels, etc.
My suggestion is to start with minimum required and buy items as you feel the need. Good way to do this is, start your day with a notebook and record things as you touch/use them during the course of several days. You'll have a comprehensive list of things you will need on daily basis.
2006-11-22 09:07:12
answer #3
answered by tkquestion 7
The first must-have item is a small account book to keep track of your expenditures. You will find that your income is flying out the windows and doors from day one. Best of luck-it's an adventure
2006-11-22 09:01:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I guess most people stereotype young black males to be "trashy"? Such as do drugs, enjoy prostitutes, that sort of stuff? Sorry if that came out to be offensive to any black people. But when people see a black guy who has his life together i guess they automatically assume he cant be like the other black guys so he must be gay
2016-05-22 18:44:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous