Is your bathroom well ventilated when you have a bath or a shower, mould grows on surfaces so you need to get to the surface it is growing on , clean off let it dry, clean off again with bleach , let it dry , clean with bleach again. by now you should have killed off all mould sporns. Mould tends to grow in moist conditions so good ventilation is important. Are you sure it is mould and not and kind of damp ?
2006-11-22 04:39:25
answer #1
answered by Michael 1
I've always had this problem in my bathroom and I'd clean it off with bleach and a few months later it would be back again...until I used Dettol mould and mildew remover. You get it in the supermarked, it's in a green spray bottle. I sprayed mine about 9 months ago and it still hasn't come back. It contains an ingredient to inhibit new growth. It can be a bit messy because it drips off the ceiling so just move eveything out the way before you do it. I then used a soft long handled broom and it came straight off and left no marks. Well worth it .
2016-05-22 15:38:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First thing don't bother using any bleach products if your wanting to get rid of it. Bleach will kill what is on the surface and turn it white but it won't soak into the tile grout and kill what is below the surface. You need to get a antimicrobial agent especially made for this. Your best bet is to go to a specialty tile store and talk to them. Just tell them your looking for something that will penetrate into the grout and kill what is growing there. After that Tilex or something similar will help to keep the problem from reappearing.
2006-11-22 04:38:37
answer #3
answered by bofh772 2
Ive had problems with this before. Getting rid of mold is a pain and can sometimes be dangerous to your health. Your landlord is responsible for temporarily putting you up in another rental while the problem is taken care of. I dont really think there is a "quick fix". Friends of mine got a few months of free rent while the problem was taken care of. You might want to search online for renter's rights in your area. But i would deffintly take this seriously just incase its the kind of mold that can make you sick!
2006-11-22 04:33:47
answer #4
answered by Panda 2
I had the same problem and made the same question!!!
usually you should replace everything but now technology has spreaded soo much!!!!
get a product from NETTOL that its called MILD AND MILDREW
its great! it kills the mould with a touch of a spray!!!!
its only £1.79 from WILKINSON shops... where do you live???
its great really... and it never comes back! have fun kill the mould!
if you cant find it there is a professional expensier version that you could find in those big DIY stores!
2006-11-23 01:03:21
answer #5
answered by kim78 2
Remove all of the old sealant, spray the exposed areas thoroughly with bleach. And get a small fan to ventilate the bathroom. It seems it never gets a chance to dry out.
2006-11-22 04:38:39
answer #6
answered by Lamont 2
It sounds like damp behind the tiles. Its not really your problem, the landlord should fix it but he sounds like a cheapskate.
You can try washing it with 1 teasp bicarb of soda in 1 pint hot water as its anti fungal; but ultimately the tiles need to come off and the damp fixed.
Make sure you keep the bathroom aired and dry - not easy in this weather.
2006-11-22 04:36:01
answer #7
answered by sarah c 7
not a good sign, if water is holding behind the wall it will continue to mold up, ask your landlord about the water damage and you can call the Health dept if he does not respond, some will try to cover up a dangerous problem because of the cost of remodeling, and some will fix once told, your looking at a health problem if not fixed, one more think is there a exhaust fan! they really help to pull odors and dry out at the same time, good luck
2006-11-22 04:31:08
answer #8
answered by edgarrrw 4
You need plenty of ventilation in the room or you can get mould killing paint to put on and paint over but this is expensive but you can try some normal undercoat paint (not gloss) but is cheaper but doesn't always work depending on how bad it is.
2006-11-22 04:32:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Try dettox mould and mildew spray it's in a green pump bottle and works just watch your clothes it will bleach them,but it's very strong and v good all major supermarkets stock it.
2006-11-22 04:33:40
answer #10
answered by MANC & PROUD 6