SQL (commonly expanded to Structured Query Language — see History for the term's derivation) is the most popular computer language used to create, modify, retrieve and manipulate data from relational database management systems. The language has evolved beyond its original purpose to support object-relational database management systems. It is an ANSI/ISO standard.
SQL is commonly spoken either as the names of the letters ess-cue-el (IPA: [ˈɛsˈkjuˈɛl]), or, less formally, like the word sequel (IPA: [ˈsiːkwəl]). Concerning the names of major database products (or projects) containing the letters SQL, each has its own convention: MySQL is officially and commonly pronounced "My Ess Cue El"; PostgreSQL is expediently pronounced postgres; and Microsoft SQL Server is commonly spoken as Microsoft-sequel
2006-11-22 04:18:16
answer #1
answered by slimshady3in 4
SQL = Structured Query Language. It's a computer language used to store, retrieve, and manipulate data in and out of the database. For a tutorial on SQL, see http://www.1keydata.com/sql/sql.html.
2006-11-22 10:44:28
answer #2
answered by topcat 3
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. To understand easily, think about Excel sheets with name of the students in a class room and their details. If some one wants a particular group of student, it has to be sorted in such a manner and present it to them as a report. If we have neumerous tables like this, SQL can retrieve the datas from different classes or groups within seconds. For retrieving or entering or sorting these datas, we use SQL commands or functions in computer.
2006-11-22 04:41:44
answer #3
answered by SanWisdom 1
What is SQL?
SQL (pronounced "ess-que-el") stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is the standard language for relational database management systems. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update data on a database, or retrieve data from a database. Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, etc. Although most database systems use SQL, most of them also have their own additional proprietary extensions that are usually only used on their system. However, the standard SQL commands such as "Select", "Insert", "Update", "Delete", "Create", and "Drop" can be used to accomplish almost everything that one needs to do with a database. This tutorial will provide you with the instruction on the basics of each of these commands as well as allow you to put them to practice using the SQL Interpreter.
2006-11-22 04:07:16
answer #4
answered by Krishna 6
Structured Query Language (SQL), pronounced "sequel", is a language that provides an interface to relational database systems. It was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R. SQL is a de facto standard, as well as an ISO and ANSI standard.
2006-11-22 04:04:28
answer #5
answered by Mitchell b 3
SQL means structured query language.SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases.
2006-11-22 04:54:34
answer #6
answered by geethu 1
Structured Query Language
2006-11-22 05:31:18
answer #7
answered by ? 7
Structured Query Language
A language used to query a Relational Database Management System
2006-11-22 05:19:18
answer #8
answered by Smutty 3
sql means Structured Querry Language.
its database stuff.
2006-11-22 15:10:21
answer #9
answered by RAJA S 1
sql is a comp. language
basically used for data base
not good thing.
2006-11-22 04:22:46
answer #10
answered by amit r 1