Nothing is faster than light
2006-11-22 03:52:44
answer #1
answered by Math gal 2
Nothing can travel faster than light. THere have been some experiments in which a pulse of light has appeared to travel faster than the speed of light but there are many scientists who dispute these experiments. In any sense, the apparent faster than light travel is merely an interesting phenomonon and can not be used to transmit information or carry anything with mass at faster than light speeds.
2006-11-22 11:48:54
answer #2
answered by Louis G 6
Quantum of light is a particle and wave simultaneously.
Exact there is a simultaneity of space and time.
For me such explanation is unsatisfactory.
It just as to speak, that the logic information and
the senseless message are the same simultaneously.
To say half truth is worse then to say lie.
* * *
A quantum of light is a privileged particle.
No other particle can travel with the speed (c = 1).
Quantum of light have two kinds of spins,
as a result of which the particle attains motion.
1)Under the action of Planck,s spin, which is equal to the unit ( h =1)
aquantum of light flies rectilinearly with speed (c = 1).
The geometrical form of a circle: (C/D = 3,14).
A quantum of light behaves as a particle.
2) Under the action of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck's spin, ( ħ = h / 2ï°)
a quantum of light rotates around of its diameter
with the speed more of light quanta : c>1
and is known as electron.
The geometrical form of a circle is transformed into a sphere.
This kind of movement is described by Lorentz's transformations .
The wave properties of light quantum are shown.
The dualism of a particle becomes clea
and the paradox disappears completely.
When the form of a circle is change into the form of a sphere,
the transcendental magnitude (ï° = 3,14) is change
on another transcendental magnitude (е = 2,71).
Quantum of light is a privileged particle.
Only the speed of a light quantum has
a maximal, constant, absolute quantity of c=1.
No other particle can travel with the speed c = 1.
If quantum of light flies always rectilinearly c=1, it is a mad one.
Is he really mad?
* * *
Only a light quantum has the absolute speed c=1.
No other particle can travel with the speed c = 1.
Other particle can travel only with the speed v=s/t.
And I was taught at school from the first class:
that the incommensurable quantities cannot be compared.
To connect incommensurable quantities it
is similar to the decision of a problem:
“What will be if the whale will attacks the elephant?”
The secret of God and Existence hide
in the “Theory of light quanta”.
Because, from all particles, only and only
the quantum of light is a privileged particle.
2006-11-24 02:10:13
answer #3
answered by socratus 2
Thought is faster than light
2006-11-22 12:17:12
answer #4
answered by Nathan 2
Which one what? Do you mean what is faster than light?
2006-11-22 11:52:30
answer #5
answered by sonkysst 4
thought travels faster than light. Mind the controller of thought is the machine that generatesthem and they canbe faster than light. and lo! you arein the US and now in India all in a whisk of a second.Control your thoughts so as to travel at the speed greater than light and time is unchanged
2006-11-22 11:58:36
answer #6
answered by gangadhar k 1
It is known that at least in theory pulsed light wave can exceed the speed of light. Refer the the linked article below.
2006-11-22 11:57:31
answer #7
answered by david42 5
a hypothetical particle called tachyon can travel faster than light although it's existence is not proved
for more information you can mail me at
we can talk on the subject in which even i am interested
2006-11-22 14:08:27
answer #8
answered by APOORV kumar 1
Tachyons are subatomic particles which travel faster than light.
"thought" travels faster than light.
2006-11-24 10:58:29
answer #9
answered by homeworknetguru 1
Yup, tachyons (theoretical particle) are supposed to be naturally faster than light.
2006-11-22 13:20:04
answer #10
answered by someavgguy 2