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i really want this job. i know i'd be good for it. but feel ill prepared for the interview. please help me prepare. it's a customer service job for a merchandising company. what questions should i be expecting at the interview?

2006-11-22 03:29:58 · 12 answers · asked by practicalwizard 6 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

12 answers

The most common questions I've had are:

What are your strengths / weaknesses?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Give me an example of a situation where you had a big problem and how you got resolved.

Tell me about yourself. (Hate this one! It's so vague and general.)

How do you handle stressful situations at work?

There are also some interview tips that can be found at www.monster.com

GOOD LUCK!! I hope you get the job! Just go in there with confidence (even if you have to fake it) and sell them on you. But keep in mind also - YOU are also hiring THEM. Make sure you ask a lot of questions too and find out if this is the right job for you too.

2006-11-22 03:37:03 · answer #1 · answered by Peach 5 · 0 0

I was a customer service manager for 4 years, and I conducted numerous interviews.

The candidate must usually be:

1. Fast learner (because I don't have a lot of time to train)

2. Flexible (I don't want to go through a big ordeal every time the job description changes)

3. Reliable (I don't want to have to breath in the person's back to make sure that they are doing their job and not slacking off).

When you prepare for the interview, think of examples where you show those 3 characteristics.
As well, make sure you promote your Communication and Problem Solving skills, because this is what customer service is all about!

So to recap:

Piece of cake!

2006-11-22 03:42:42 · answer #2 · answered by Limon 2 · 0 0

In the interview they will ask you what you didn't like about your previous job(your reply has to be that you liked your previous job) You will be asked how you feel taking directions from some one younger (not a problem) they will ask you why you are changing position and what new ideas did you implement in your old job (I always say I created new forms) You should also do some research on the company to appear knowledgeable. They will also want to know your goals. Be enthusiastic and poised. Go easy on the makeup and perfume try not to swear or act mad at the questions. Stress you like working and helping people with their needs. Also stress that you are quick to learn.

2006-11-22 05:25:26 · answer #3 · answered by petersenmarilyn@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

They're going to ask you how you think you can help their company. They're going to ask you to think of a time when you were faces with a big problem at a job and how you overcame or fixed it. They're going to ask you what your pluses are and what your minuses are (when you talk about your minuses, say something that makes you sound like a hard worker, like "Well, I guess I'm too focused on details. I like for everything to be perfect before I send it out. I know some people like things done really quickly, but if I can take the time to catch a mistake, it will help everyone out in the long run.") They're going to ask you to take a look at their business and tell them what things you would change or improve (you should have done your research by now on the company and know everything about them. If not, get on the internet now and start doing research on the company, their history and everything they do. They hit them with something like, "Well, I know that in 2001 your sales dropped off a bit in this area. What I would do is...." They will be so freaking impress that they'll probably hire you on the spot.

2006-11-22 03:36:48 · answer #4 · answered by bodinibold 7 · 1 0

Never been to a interview for customer service.. but here is one tip though that is very helpful... I tell it to everyone I know that is going to a job interview and I use it myself and I get the job.

Always ask them questions... at least 2-3 questions... that way they will know you are defintly interested in the job.

Some people don't ask questions about the job or anything dealing with the job and they don't get the job because it looks like they aren't that interested if they don't have any questions...

So when he/she ask "Do you have any questions?" Ask!

Good Luck! Hope you get it!

2006-11-22 03:34:32 · answer #5 · answered by MissBellaGirl 2 · 1 0

-Show an interest in the shop that you will be a sales assistant in as they like people to have product knowledge and enjoy working there. - Make sure you are confident and happy as you will be working with customers you need to show that you will nice to them. - Think beforehand about what duties you will have and how you will go about these. (They may ask you about this.) - Just be yourself. -Wear something smart casual - black trousers and a plain top. Make sure you look tidy. Also check that you know where to go and arrive five minutes early. Not too early though as you dont want to wait around too long. - Don't panic. You will be fine. Good luck. If you don't get the job just remember that lots of people apply and it is probably quite hard to choose somebody.

2016-05-22 15:09:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont worry to much about the quetions your going to be asked>
Take with you a notebook and pen, as the interview progresses take notes of things that struck a chord more imprtantly whne it come to "have you any questions" you will have your list ready.

When it comes to that part ask why has the vacancy arisen, do they have a high turnover of staff? ask if there are trg courses they can send you on.

there is a book called "TOUGH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS MADE EASY" IF YOU WISH E.MAIL ME ON davesreal1@yahoo.co.uk and on friday As tomorow i have to go to a seminar but i can relay some questions for you to think about over the week-end.

On sunday have a relaxing bath candles (yes even if your a man)
then on Monday b4 the interview have a little walk do some breathing exercises. then go in AND GET THAT JOB IT HASYOUR NAME ON IT

2006-11-22 03:39:24 · answer #7 · answered by dave c 4 · 0 0

Interview Questions

Why are you interested in this field?
Why are you interested in this company?
Why are you interested in this position?
Why do you want this job?
What qualities do you think this job requires?
Why do you want to work for this organisation?
What have you got to contribute?
What can we offer you that your present employer cannot offer?
How long have you been looking for a new job?
What do you know about this organisation?
What interests you about this organisation?
What are you looking for in a new job?
What would be your ideal job?
What sort of jobs are you considering at the moment?
What did you do on a day to day basis?
What do you not like about the job?
How did you make a difference to your last organisation?
How successful are you?
What was your greatest success and how did you achieve it?
What has been your biggest failure?
How could you improve yourself?
How did you progress in your last job?
How do you handle criticism?
How do you work with others?
Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision?
Can you be depended upon in critical situations and follow work through to completion?
Are you objective in evaluating yourself and others?
What motivates you?
Are you competitive?
What problems did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?
Are you enthusiastic and easy to work with?
Can you work under pressure?

Recruiters need to know what drives you to want the job and why you want to work for the organisation in particular.
Can you manage your time effectively?
How do you structure your day's work?
How do you plan your day and week?
How did you handle sudden unplanned work or crisis?v Can you handle constructive criticism in a productive manner?
What are you like under pressure?
How many hours are you prepared to work?
What are your career goals?
How did you get on with your last manager/colleagues?
How do you express yourself in situations where you have to be tactful?
What initiatives do you take to make the work place more efficient?
How do you deal with different people at work?
How do you handle work in high pressure situations?

These Interview questions are a guide. You will also be asked specific questions related to the industry and the particular job area you are applying for.

more info on http://www.cvtips.com/interview_question.html

2006-11-22 10:29:57 · answer #8 · answered by ciprian_olaru1985 3 · 0 0

You probably should have some ideas about diffusing a hostile customer. How to calm them down and how you would react is someone got angry. I feel I often get asked "What is your biggest weakness?" So try to think of a way to spin it into a positive. Like you are a perfectionist sometimes or sometimes you care too much.

2006-11-22 03:35:26 · answer #9 · answered by viscomunderground 2 · 1 0

experience in field, why u want job, past job history, likes/dislikes, personality, etc etc.

just be yourself and think if u were hiring someone for hte position what would u want them to say. and read the job description til u have it down....nothing like looking blank when they ask you to perform a certain task and u dont have a clue what they are talking about.

2006-11-22 03:33:02 · answer #10 · answered by jenivive 6 · 0 0

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