Simple, when asked the question say 'I was born in England'
As for being called names, that's life, we all face it. Its stereotyping, ignorance, or plain silliness! You are doing the same thing when saying you feel sorry for the Polish if that's the behaviour they receive as that is making an assumption that all Poles are treated that way! They aren't!! Even saying being British and wishing you weren't is stereotyping. We are all DIFFERENT and behave DIFFERENTLY TO!
I wish I wasn't so small that people make assumptions about me but I cant do anything to change the stereotype or my size so ignore it!
2006-11-22 03:27:30
answer #1
answered by willowGSD 6
I'm English, and dam proud of it!!
I wouldn't worry about it to much, some people are just *** holes, it may just be beacuse of the region you live in. I live in Bristol and 65% of ALL Polish people that have moved to England have moved into Bristol, every bus driven here is by a Polish person now.
But anyway, i'm sure it'll calm down soon, the Russians are next!!
2006-11-22 11:19:33
answer #2
answered by Daree 2
Hi there. You ARE British and have every right to be proud of it. Britain is a mongrel nation with the tenacity and enterprise that goes with it - anybody who thinks otherwise is not reading their history! If you get grief, then say "I am British born and bred". Your ethnic roots do not matter after that, the only people who will not be accepted over time are those who don't want to be.
It would be nice if we could magic away our embarrassing ididots - but every country wishes that...
Cheers, Steve.
2006-11-22 12:44:15
answer #3
answered by Steve J 7
Blame the EU and the British government for letting too many economic migrants into this country. If they hadn't then there probably wouldn't have been any ill feeling towards you. Protect your own, something we're pretty naff at over here, we'll let anyone take a piece of the pie.
Sorry, but i can understand and sympathise with the generalised feelings towards migrants, it's just unfortunate that you were caught up in it when you have a more genuine case for being here.
2006-11-22 12:45:57
answer #4
answered by Doobdonk 1
It's not a normal thing to ask or say to someone! You're as British as can be, just ignore them!
You could always have some fun with it though, pretending not to understand them, speak gibberrish at them, make up random greetings customs instead of shaking hands! LOL!
2006-11-22 11:15:05
answer #5
answered by ehc11 5
Simple answer to that... Ignore these idiots.
Do you feel English? Does your birth certificate/passport say you are English/British? If yes, well, there you are. If you really mean it about wishing you weren't, well, you can change your nationality, though it is a very extreme action to take, one which I don't recommend.
If these idiots don't believe you, just say whatever, and move on. Life is too short.
2006-11-22 11:14:26
answer #6
answered by Balaboo 5
I am Scottish, but I prefer to be British. I spent my formative years in Norfolk, and I think the people down there are really nice. I get very embarrassed with all this anti-english rubbish - it does my head in! I find it offensive and petty.
I take people as they are...not where they are from
2006-11-22 11:13:59
answer #7
answered by km 3
Take no notice! not everyone is rude and you shouldn't feel bad about being British because even if you take into account rude ignorant so n so's its still the best country in the world to live in.. i say hip hoo raa hoo raa hoo raa!..
2006-11-22 11:20:41
answer #8
answered by robert x 7
hang on , so you are actually English?? Or just British and from another country?
I'm British from Iraq, I don't have any problems like that because I look quite Englishy but once they hear my name which is arabic, they ask me where I'm from and I reply: Iraq. Although I am British, I am from Iraq so I don't see any point in telling them otherwise.
I think people take it too seriously where others are from. I was born on a piece of land probably around 6 hours plane ride from the UK and I get called stupid things like smelly arab or i dunno, suicide bomber. I'm not even a muslim yet people assume that I am and that I have a bomb strapped to me! It's so silly!!
2006-11-22 11:11:57
answer #9
answered by don't stop the music ♪ 6
there is no such thing as a pure british person i mean everyone i know has got a desendant from another country .... i have got a bit of polish in me :D but that was like 100 years ago :P
2006-11-22 11:32:34
answer #10
answered by R.Aries 2