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I had ancestors on the Mayflower, My grandparetns were born here, my parents were born here and I was born here. How am I not a "native american" I am native to this land... I think anyone who is born in the U.S. is a native. Another thing... does it annoy anyone else that people don't refer to themselves as Americans when asked about "what they are" I have this friend who's is Italian. When people say are you Italian he's like, "yea, 100%" Now how can that be if you and your parents were born here in the states? when will people wake up to reality?

2006-11-22 02:01:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

How do you have blood of a certain country? How long does it for that blood to start flowing in the viens of the people from it? I think whenever we allow it to and I am letting my American blood flow. I didn't think of it before but the name "native american" is all political. Same with african american. If I was born in Africa, then came here, why wouldn't I be a african american?

2006-11-22 18:57:23 · update #1

11 answers

Being a Native American refers to the race of indigenous people who were and always the original tribes of certain lands given to them by the creator to use for food, shelter, tools. Your ancestors came fleeing persecution from religious fanatics in Europe and brought famine and disease which nearly wiped our race. I see it as a way to decimate people and take control of their rich lands and wildlife and all its natural resources free for the taking..Now we have moderenized and joined the western way of living and all its technologies to take control and make our own destiny as the "True & Rightful Native Americans" seeking justice as promised in the "Constitution of the United States", or is that another broken promise?..which you are most famous for.. Release us from your tarrany and let us make our own destiny... Besides it's your race that decided to put names on people and put them in catagories...Ask your Congressman what it means to be a "Native American"...Do I need say more?

2006-11-22 05:36:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The so-called native Americans that were here when the Pilgrims arrived are not native either.
They came here when all the continents were close together and became isolated when the continents drifted apart.
There was possible proof of this during the Clinton Administration when scientists found the remains of a human thought to be much older. The native american tribes objected to testing because they would lose their exclusive status if it were proved another race was here before them.
The remains were buried by the Corps of Engineers at a protected river bank that cannot be excavated to recover the remains for testing and a possible loss of another link in the evolutionary progress of man.
A recent report stated that all the known races of the world originated in africa and their bodies adapted to the environment where they settled.

2006-11-22 09:58:30 · answer #2 · answered by Ralph T 7 · 0 0

"Native Americans" have no other cultural history -- they cannot trace their ancestry to anywhere else but here. You are an American with English ancestry. Your Italian-American friend is saying ALL his cultural history can be traced back to Italy. You should be proud of all of your heritage (I had ancestors on the Mayflower too--which isn't such a strange thing, since it's been 400 + years since that ship landed. The people on the Mayflower have TONS of descendants by now.)

2006-11-22 02:12:48 · answer #3 · answered by MOM KNOWS EVERYTHING 7 · 1 0

No. You can consider urself Native American if you were [of course] 100%, 7/8, or 75% Native-American. Then when your between 50% and 12.5% Native-Americam, u consider urself mix with it. After that, you say it's in ur blood. 1/16 is on 6.25%. I couldn't consider myself Arab because I'm 3% (1/32) of it. Do you get my drift?

2016-05-22 14:35:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

At some point in the near future, the racial description of various people will become useless. But at this point in time, there are arbitrary names given to people whose progenitors come from various continents.

The fact is that almost everyone on the planet is racially mixed to one degree or another. Did you know that many Europeans have Chinese blood? Those of us who do are distantly related to the "Native Americans" because it is most likely true that their progenitors were Chinese. In other words, the connectivity of the races is obvious if anyone cares to look.

2006-11-22 02:16:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure. Why not. If some people can be african-american, even if they've never stepped foot in africa. Then sure, you can be native american, even though your people weren't native to this country.

2006-11-22 02:07:01 · answer #6 · answered by mrssamikeyp 3 · 0 0

You are American. Native American refers to the indigenous tribes which were here way before the Mayflower ever came, which, by the way, must have been a pretty damn crowded boat, since everyone claims to have had ancestors on there.

2006-11-22 02:05:02 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs. Large Richard 5 · 4 3

If you are born in America..you are American...if you apply and receive citizen ship, you are American....all other's are foreign, or
American with different cultural heritage..

2006-11-22 02:14:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My dad is Jewish and my Mom was a NATIVE AMERICAN (Indian) and when people ask me what I am I tell them I am American. Maybe we should all start telling people we are just HUMAN.

2006-11-22 02:10:27 · answer #9 · answered by Rachel Bitchface 5 · 5 0

it's relative, isn't it.

if your friend has 100% italian blood, then ,yes, he is 100% italian.

don't you think people can be citizens of a country without having to forget where they came from?

I think it might be you who needs to wake up.

p.s the mayflower is a boat, isn't it??

2006-11-22 02:06:24 · answer #10 · answered by Neorini 3 · 3 1

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