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from the very first day iresumed work,she ignores me ,makes comments and gossip with the drivers allways making me feel unwanted

2006-11-22 01:40:07 · 28 answers · asked by girl 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

28 answers

one word
second words

2006-11-22 01:41:36 · answer #1 · answered by princesssp8 4 · 4 1

Hmmm thats a common one. Finding people like that funny tends to hit the spot. And a knowing smile when she's trying to run you down does hit the spot as such people I've found have a low opinon of themselves and are trying to cover up their crap life through diversion. For instant effect put hands over ears and chant la la la in a singsongy type way, these types crave being taken seriously...... Do the opposite!

2006-11-22 09:53:38 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Just ignore the *****, she's obviously a very sad person and if anything you should feel sorry for her.
Make friends with the drivers yourself and they will soon realise that she's a two-faced cow.
Don't ever say anything horrible about her to anyone though, this way you look like the nice girl while she digs herself into a hole and pretty soon everyone will know she's a *****.

2006-11-22 09:51:40 · answer #3 · answered by Bel 4 · 1 0

This person is showing common insecurity behaviour. She wants to be the centre of attention and feel important and is terrified that you will take that away from her. As a result she is doing everything she can to stop you (for example, by creating a barrier between you and the drivers).

If you have a Personnel department, speak to them. If not, you can try speaking to your immediate boss/line manager about her behaviour.

2006-11-22 09:57:13 · answer #4 · answered by Lunar_Chick 4 · 1 0

One day this evil witch will need your help - do not give it. She is both envious and jealous of you and her tactic is to stop you enjoying the company of your work mates. You must become an agent provocateur and start a whispering campaign against her. Think of something really bad but believable about her and spread the word. You might simply start your campaign by dropping a word or to into the ears of people who do not actually work in your office but in another part of your company.

2006-11-22 09:53:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You have my sympathy. Nobody should go out of their way to make another feel down. But there are a host of nasties strutting their plague on the stage. I don't really know what advice to give you, but pse try to remain positive. Perhaps try to engage her in neutral conversation. But also try being happy/friendly to all the other workers around you. By winning the hearts of others you may just dampen her barbarous squib. Good luck

2006-11-22 09:51:45 · answer #6 · answered by I'm Sparticus 4 · 2 0

wow, it doesn't matter where you work theres always one b***h!
probably the best way to deal with this is realise that SHE is the one with the problem not you, and just ignore her, rise above it, look down on her, feel sorry for her that shes so uncomfortable in her own skin she has to behave like a petty little child. failing that, if its still making you that miserable then maybe confronting her on it would be a good idea. people that petty find it hard to deal with and maybe it'll shut her up.

2006-11-22 10:03:24 · answer #7 · answered by mycatseesdeadpeople 2 · 1 0

I feel so sorry for you. There is always one person who makes others life hell. Offer to make her a cup of coffee and as usual spit in it. I am so disgusting. She is no loss, just ignore her as well she does not sound like a nice person at all no loss to you. Chin up and enjoy the rest of your day. There are always people around who are kind, seek them out, there has to be one kind person in your office who feels the same as you do.:))))

2006-11-22 09:43:57 · answer #8 · answered by Duisend-poot 7 · 3 0

This is HARRASSMENT and ought not to be tolerated.
If you are in a union see your Rep, if not you MUST report this conduct to your line manager.
If nothing is done then take legal advice and threaten the firm with taking them to a legal tribunal.
That will soon get the firm moving
Good luck.

2006-11-22 14:06:10 · answer #9 · answered by Safety First 3 · 1 0

Ignore her. Oh, and keep in mind, "success is the best revenge" - so focus on doing a good job and communicating with your boss and with the people who are there for the good of the company.

2006-11-22 09:42:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Be extroridinarily nice to her, put on your best happy face and just be overly friendly to her. Whether you actually mean your 'niceness' it will really get under her skin, and when she's putting you down to other people, they'll realize that she's not being as nice to you and her actions will backfire on her in the long run. Hang in there, just be friendly and be yourself. You're apparently wanted there since they hired you.

Good Luck!

2006-11-22 09:46:44 · answer #11 · answered by somewherein72 4 · 1 0

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