I always like to have both sides' point of view and usually, both arguments makes somewhat sense most of the time. I've been to Cyprus and that country has touched me so much. I think about the tragedy that happened there and when I think of Turkey and their argument as to why they've invaded and are still occupying 37% of the island, it doesn't make sense to me. Ok, so I'm suppose to see that Turks were killed throughout the middle of 1960 till 1974. Ok yeah I believe that, but at the same time while the Turkish minority was suffering casualties on the island, the Greeks on the island were killing Greeks. Even their idol, the Greek-Cypriot president Makarios was almost assasinated by Greeks and eventually forced to flee for his own safety from the Greeks. That sounds to me more like a civil war type of thing than ethnic cleansing. So why did Turkey decide to get involved and claims there was an ethnic cleansing? And since when war + occupation= justice. Somebody explain?
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