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I always like to have both sides' point of view and usually, both arguments makes somewhat sense most of the time. I've been to Cyprus and that country has touched me so much. I think about the tragedy that happened there and when I think of Turkey and their argument as to why they've invaded and are still occupying 37% of the island, it doesn't make sense to me. Ok, so I'm suppose to see that Turks were killed throughout the middle of 1960 till 1974. Ok yeah I believe that, but at the same time while the Turkish minority was suffering casualties on the island, the Greeks on the island were killing Greeks. Even their idol, the Greek-Cypriot president Makarios was almost assasinated by Greeks and eventually forced to flee for his own safety from the Greeks. That sounds to me more like a civil war type of thing than ethnic cleansing. So why did Turkey decide to get involved and claims there was an ethnic cleansing? And since when war + occupation= justice. Somebody explain?

2006-11-21 23:42:08 · 4 answers · asked by Kukucka 2 in Arts & Humanities History

4 answers

I'm Cypriot, and we considered Turks as friends before they attacked us (and I still do, Turkish Cypriot did not have anything to do with Turkey’s actions). To Turks in Turkey this claim does make sense, and in Turkey it is a federal offense to offend "Turkishness", so I don't believe they tell them about the fact the we were friends before the war and that the stupid Enosis (reunification w/ Greece), was supported by a tiny fraction of Greek Cypriots, and that the guy Sampson they rave about, many Greek Cypriots actually condemned him for his far right-wing policies and the damage he did to inter-communal relations. Sampson was actually sentenced to 20 years in prison for treason in 1976. But Turks for some reason ignored these fact, they say Greeks were with Enosis and loved Sampson and somehow call it an ethnic cleansing, and decided that occupation is the cool thing to do and to demoralize the Greek community. When you want to occupy a place you always find a reason. You can find facts, ignore the details and there is a new logic right? Example Bush attacking Iraq, Israel creating its nation right on top of Palestinian land, Hitler also had his logic that his people really deeply agreed with and they killed and occupied pretty much everybody around. What can I further say? It's a joke what Turkey claims especially coming from a country whose history is filled with genocides that they deny (ex. about 2 000 000 Armenians, destruction of Smyrna etc). Where people see a cause they will find a reason, and I'm sad my people had to suffer and still suffer for it. Starting a war is an evil thing, and whoever did not live through one is hard to imagine, but it's pure evil, it's just horrifying. And someone who decides to initiate such a thing in another country needs an excuse to make it look better, to save their own nations ego. So, to answer your question that's why there are claims for the weird ethnic cleansing by the Turks. They need to make themselves feel better for attacking and occupying an island with a population of barely 700 000 Greek Cypriots at that time.

2006-11-22 06:30:50 · answer #1 · answered by marikaria 1 · 1 1

Besides this mess, there was also a call among the Greeks for "Enosis" - unification with Greece.

The Turks ,being at one another's throats with the Greeks for centuries, will not wish to be under Greek rule.

Sadly, ultranationalism is being forced down the throats of Cypriot children so much so that their views are more biased than objective. I'm not saying this out of biasness but out of observation as I've been there & found the country beautiful & the people generally friendly.

2006-11-22 01:26:29 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin F 4 · 1 0

I see which you all are lacking the element. This invasion substitute into no longer the direct will of neither the Greeks nor the Turks even nonetheless the two look because of the fact the villains of the end result . This substitute into instigated by utilising america that gave the fairway easy to the two side to start what has ended because of the fact the present subject of a divided island. If that fluctuate into no longer on, relax certain no longer something could have occurred. It substitute into only with their ok that each little thing began and in the event that they needed they might have intervened in many tiers to end the conflict extra suitable than as quickly as when you consider that, or they might insisted on imposing the UN Resolutions. Their technique substitute into to enable issues circulate, as they did, for the reason that fluctuate into their pastime.

2016-11-26 00:56:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We shold check the history first. There are many cheatings.

You may see Ottomans, English and Greek and prehaps ismet inönü...

2006-11-23 23:10:07 · answer #4 · answered by M I 2 · 1 1

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