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OK, I just recently have a new boss as the organization structure changed and my ex-boss is transfered to other dept.

The problem is that he likes to back-stub me while talking with my new boss and as natural the new boss is pretty confuse. Most of the lies are not true and the way he describes my character could destroy my job at this company.

I couldn't believe his (ex-boss) character and what's the real point of doing this. Is it like that saying "the sour grapes" kinda thing?

You could imagine, I am happier with my new boss. But then again, how long it would be until he'll be poisoned by the dirts and change?

2006-11-21 21:18:35 · 3 answers · asked by Cool Z 5 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 answers

It depends on how your new boss think. If he/she wants to see result and performance of the staff, then you shouldn't be worrying if you can meet the expectation.
However if he/she chose to believe what they have heard, then it is a matter of time that they will think you are a poor or lousy worker. We can't prevent this type of thing from occurring in any organistion. There are such people in all organisation.

2006-11-22 00:59:26 · answer #1 · answered by Clown & Joker 5 · 0 0

If your new boss is any kind of boss at all, he'll depend on his eyes and not his ears when it comes to you. Your job performance should speak louder than your ex boss.
If you have proof of your old boss slandering you, take it to the HR dept and let them handle it. Be sure to mention the phrase "Hostile Work Environment", that should perk up their ears.
(If something is spelled wrong, sorry, my spell checker is down... again),

2006-11-22 05:23:03 · answer #2 · answered by Lucianna 6 · 0 0

If you overhear any of this it's called "defamation of character" and your ex boss is not legally allowed to bad mouth you to a new boss. Why not take the ex boss aside and tell him that you are aware of what he is doing..........on second thought talk to someone in human resources about it. I'm sure they can help you out.

2006-11-22 05:29:42 · answer #3 · answered by jazi 5 · 0 0

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