I think you were the one who told me about the facts of life...When my boys were not yours....LOL Summers ago...LOL
DNA~ can and is transformed we just don't read about it in our daily news papers..Our government doesn't want to open another "Jurassic Park" lol ~~ are you laughing yet~ I so am .....
2006-11-22 15:27:20
answer #1
answered by MissChatea 4
We don't understand the process of evolution or all of the meanings of our genes well enough for there to be an answer to this question. The only thing we do know is that there really doesn't seem to be an "end result" and that evolution is a theoretically endless process with the exception of cataclysmic accidents that result in the termination of species. Any attempt to "accelerate" the process at this point in time is likely to generate mutations with the result of an increased incidence of cancer, genetic disease, or even equate one of those accidents that could wipe us out.
2006-11-21 15:11:15
answer #2
answered by Todd D 3
My take on this question is that we simply do not currently have the technology/skill to manipulate DNA in such a way - after all, we are still working on exploring the human genome.
Perhaps, at some point in the future, this could be feasible - though not necessarily successful in creating a new, functionable species. In fact, I assume that researchers are trying to do parts of this now, and will continue - just for pure scientific exploration, even.
Hope that was helpful.
2006-11-21 15:08:20
answer #3
answered by heathersak 2
I am not sure where the sources of these others come from. The fact is, yes, you could create a new species.
Take for example, a recessive male who is Genetically modified to have ten times the body mass and strength of a normal human, whose sperm fertilizes ONLY with a recessive female who is Genetically modified the same way. Changing our DNA Changes nothing, but changing the way we reproduce is another thing. Changing our reproductive organs genetically, in order to reproduce different species is VERY possible.
2006-11-21 16:35:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Unlikely. The vast majority of mutations are NOT helpful, usually the opposite. Although the potential for many amazing things are hidden away in our genetic code, human science is nowhere near advanced enough to figure out how to manipulate it in the way you want. It IS fascinating to think what might be there: advanced senses, longer lifespan, greater strength and agility, maybe even psi abilities. Many things waiting to be called up if we should need them.
2006-11-21 15:08:01
answer #5
answered by AmigaJoe 3
What has been accomplished in thousands of years through random mutation and unnatural selection with the dog could certainly be accomplished and in much less time using genetic engineering and more unnatural selection with the human. But are you willing to confront all the horrors that would exude from that little experiment in human eugenics? (Sorry but that's not even ethics, just plain common sense.)
2006-11-22 02:39:14
answer #6
answered by Seeker 4
Yes our DNA can be changed into a new species
It can't be genetically accelerated to some new "end point" because there is no such thing. It's a constant evolution. How would you know what this "end point" was anyway in order to get there faster? You would have to just choose a new direction and go.
2006-11-21 16:13:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
DNA is an extremely complicated series of commands that specifies all the animals on earth,no doubt it has the capacity to specify a new species.
2006-11-22 04:23:31
answer #8
answered by Billy Butthead 7
Not really, the changes are random by nature. If we did figure out how to force a change the odds of it being the same change that would have been made later naturally are very small.
2006-11-21 15:02:42
answer #9
answered by moronreaper 2
I suppose that in theory it's possible, as it's possible to modify genes in any DNA.
2006-11-21 15:47:14
answer #10
answered by Evi 1