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this for a customer service position/ medical billing

2006-11-21 14:34:20 · 2 answers · asked by Tarisa V 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

1. stay away from office drama - even if you're trying to put out fires, if your name comes up too often when management hears of the drama, it'll reflect badly on you.

2. it's okay to dress up your work area, but avoid toys or stuffed animals; some will think that you can't be taken seriously and pass you over for promotions.

3. CYA; protect yourself against shady co-workers and managers through documentation, i.e. confirm sketchy instructions via email.

4. work harder and smarter than those around you; you want to impress management (working harder) without alienating your co workers (working smarter); come up with ideas, questions, ask for work, take on projects, blah blah blah; but beware of allowing people to take advantage.

5. don't go to management or human resources to complain unless you have no alternative; we're all adults (or you'd think) so try and resolve issues with the person first; I think you have a limited number of complaint cards handy and if you use them up to quickly, you'll be labeled as a whiner.

6. don't use the race card or sex card - claiming racial or sexual discrimination with only minimal evidence and no witnesses is a career killer!

2006-11-21 14:51:43 · answer #1 · answered by LifesAMystery 3 · 0 0

Document EVERYTHING. Don't brown nose but quietly be the best you can and Don't call in sick unless it's an emergency! Most good bosses can actually tell between a fake sick day and a real emergency. But the most important lesson I have learned is to never whine. Let someone else do that and the bosses will notice you!

2006-11-21 22:47:17 · answer #2 · answered by Clrinsight 3 · 0 0

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