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8 answers

Obviously, you cannot understand their jokes or any joke other than that of your own culture and country.

Due to the vast differences in cultures and languages, sharing the same joke with people outside your culture is as difficult as attaining world peace.

Your word: "they never enjoy jokes" clearly shows that you cannot understand their jokes. Its not your fault. Its just because you were not born and raised in Japanese culture.

By the same token, Japanese cannot understand your jokes. But its NOT becuse they have no sense of humor. Its just because they do not share the culture which your jokes are based upon or rooted in.

2006-11-22 04:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by area52 6 · 2 0

I have often wondered the same thing about Americans.

Different countries have different slants on what they find amusing. One thing that is very difficult with even fluent speakers of foreign languages is the linguistic nuances on which a lot of humour is based. I have often seen groups of Japanese (but it applies to all nationalities) laughing together when they are speaking Japanese. Presumably something has amused them, so they have a sense of humour.

2006-11-21 13:17:46 · answer #2 · answered by iansand 7 · 2 0

They enjoy jokes...but as a culture, their sense of humor is different than that of the Western World. A lot of jokes are based on regional understandings and basis of reference, too....so you might not understand a joke from another part of the world but locals would. It's all relative.

2006-11-21 13:22:09 · answer #3 · answered by schaianne 5 · 2 0

Uh...obviously, you've never read Ranma 1/2, Bo-Bobo, Fushigi Yugi (which, although a romantic series, has strongly humourous elements) manga...or watched Japanese comedy...seriously, your comment borders on racism. American humor isn't the only humor, my little turnip, so think before you type.

2006-11-21 13:17:29 · answer #4 · answered by Strange Design 5 · 1 0

Are you serious? You obviously haven't exposed yourself to Japanese culture enough. Because I've read many mangas and watched many animes that have had me rolling on the floor begging for breath.

2006-11-21 13:20:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The sense is different from the west. Not only Japan, Asians' sense differs from you.
Don't judge with your sense.

Probably you won't be able to laugh with these films.

2006-11-23 00:01:19 · answer #6 · answered by Joriental 6 · 1 1

They like Tom Green. He's universally funny. He made an *** outta himself in japan on one of his specials...."Subway Monkey Hour" i think it was called.

2006-11-21 13:17:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Different cultures, different sense of humor.

2006-11-21 13:15:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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