"MTV (Music Television) is an American cable television network headquartered in New York City. Originally devoted to music videos, MTV has since opted to show almost no music oriented programming and has become an outlet for a variety of different television shows aimed at adolescents and young adults.
Broadcast began on August 1, 1981 as an operation of Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment Company, a joint venture of Warner Communications and American Express known as WASEC.
In 1984, Warner and Amex attempted to take some cash out of their WASEC investment. The companies divested WASEC and it was renamed MTV Networks Inc. The parent companies registered for a stock IPO, which eventually went public at $15.00 per share. A year later, MTV saw the introduction of a sister channel, VH1, short for Video Hits One. In 1986, MTV Networks Inc. was acquired by Viacom Inc., and was renamed MTV Networks, still a division of Viacom today. By 1987, Viacom itself was the target of a successful hostile takeover by National Amusements"
2006-11-21 13:15:38
answer #2
answered by tutogod 1