clean your house really well then get some boric-acid and spray along the base boards and any other place your kids and animal don't go. use a plastic ketchup bottle it really works I've use at home and at resturants i've worked in
2006-11-21 13:05:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Use enough, but not more than needed of the "bug bombs" where you leave the cans set out all over your home spraying and you come back later. Follow the package directions carefully! Be prepared to vacuum/clean! This will take care of the current problem.
To keep them from coming back, you must not leave ANY food accessible. The trash and recyclables go out every night (to a bin stored away from the house.) Dishes are done EVERY night. Become a fanatic about storing all food in either plastic or glass containers (or zip-lock freezer baggies that seal well as a last ditch effort.) No cardboard anything because they can eat through the glue. Also cut back any shrubbery, etc. that's touching the house and don't store anything directly next to your house (like wood for the fireplace) or keep stacks of paper or bags or magazines (they'll eat the glue if they cannot get to the food) in your house or garage. If you can close your sink drains, do so. We used to live in Houston, TX and won the battle against these nasty creatures.
You can do a "boundary" spray with an insecticide or sprinkle boric acid (can find at home improvement stores) back in cabinets, under sinks, behind fridge, etc.--but nowhere children or pets or food containers could get to it, as it's poisonious. (I even put it in the weep holes in the brick surrounding our home. I've been told it acts as cut glass to crawling bugs.) If you do this yourself, it's not very expensive and is quite effective.
2006-11-21 21:10:42
answer #2
answered by homemom 1
O.K. Jorst: Remember they lived there first, you moved in on them can follow my advise or go hire someone. It'll cost you about $125.00 for three treatments over six months and, you may still have roaches for awhile.
If you have the Red Wood Roaches, they're fast, aren't they? and the German Grey Roaches, and the little pests that follow them around then. Your infested, if you see one, there's ten in the walls.
Your going to have to bomb the place. I always use two (double what they say) in every room. Get a name brand like "Raid" and follow the directions on the can, it always works for me but remember, follow the directions. Forget home remedies, they've never worked.
When your through, hope, you may find some but keep you eye on them. If you see more then a few, remember "did you follow directions" or you'll have to do it over.
It'll only cost you about twenty dollars this way, good luck.
2006-11-21 21:09:52
answer #3
answered by cowboydoc 7
Get a sprayer and some pesticide at Home Depot, then clean your house and keep it clean. You can always call a pest control Company, but then they aren't exactly cheap.
Pest control is 90% house keeping, 8% chemicals and 2% you will never be able to do anything about.
2006-11-21 21:04:03
answer #4
answered by trollwzrd 3
The best way is to call an exterminator to come in a spray once a month. It can be a little pricey, depending on who you use and the services they provide, but that's probably the only way that you'll definitely get rid of the infestation!
2006-11-21 22:37:17
answer #5
answered by bamabunch5 2
That really sucks i fell bad for you! you could buy some roach traps but you probably would have to fhumegate the place.cockroaches get in everything and lay eggs everywhere. they like the dark if you fell like killin them all buy some (raid),. youll have to have your furniture cleaned after cause theyll lay there should call your local pest control department.
good luck!!
2006-11-21 21:09:38
answer #6
answered by trevor 2
cockroaches and most bugs like food and you are leaving it around somewhere.
clean around everywhere in and about the kitchens cupboards and leave the cabinets open...they like the dark
2006-11-21 20:57:38
answer #7
answered by ticketoride04 5
Get some Raid, and don't leave the pests anything to eat.
2006-11-21 21:07:36
answer #8
answered by Max 6