Most all the evidence that is available to us, show that the WTC buildings were rigged with explosives. Our own government had motive as was well as an opportunity to do this crime. Here is the evidence, presented for your scrutiny.
The official government story is that the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by Al Qaeda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: See picture.
There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.
Here is a video clip showing a trail of explosions just before the destruction wave.
Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid. Melted red hot steel was also found in "ground zero" of all three WTC buildings, including WTC7, that was not even hit by a jet.
A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron,conducted by independent firms, yielded an explosive, called Thermite. Also found was a WTC core beam; most probably cut using the demolition cutting charge (Thermate). No core beams were left standing beyond a few feet high, for it to have been cut by an Iron Workers torch. Click on pic. to enlarge.
We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.
There is also a problem with the Pentagon attack. Listen to this retired general, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole; so what did hit the Pentagon..."
This video, obtained by a public interest group, shows the top rear fin of an air craft hiding behind a call box: Whatever is hiding back there, is under 48 ft. long, to small to be a Boeing 757, which is over 155 ft. long.
The New Conservatives (Neo-Cons), with the help of their friends, started planning the invasion of Iraq, shortly after Pres. Bush took office. Apparently, the plan would include the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.
Witnesses saw a work crew going into the WTC buildings with rolls of wire, supposedly for internet upgrades. Tenants were moved around while crews "upgraded" the cable systems. The Port Authority cut power to the building for a whole weekend, just prior to the attack; shutting down the entire security systems. Witnesses also heard crews operating heavy hammering equipment that left a gray cement like dust, in the building. This activity took place just weeks before the 911 attack: The Port Authority had released control of the buildings to Larry Silverstein, six weeks prior to the attack: He made upwards of $5 billion off of the attack.
See "9/11 Mysteries" video: Time = 1:03:55 through 1:07:00 and 1:19:55 through 1:24:09
2006-11-21 20:36:33
answer #1
answered by Joe_Pardy 5
Those people are morons. They use doctored video and questionable theories to push an impossible scenario. I'm from NY and let me tell you, if the hundreds of people that it would require to plant tiny exposive charges in the trade centers over a few week period werent noticed by the millions of people in the area, I'll eat my hat. Plus they piss me off... idiots. The only conspiracy theory I find remotely interesting or plausible about 9-11 is what really happened to the plane in PA (was it shot down? Wouldnt blame em anyway if they did do that). And then of course the ACTUAL conspiracy of Halliburton and the "planned war" of iraq. Not to say they planned 9-11, but they sure as heck used it to their advantage. Everyone knows that one though and no one seems to care... Eisenhower was right about the military-industrial complex btw. Its no joke.
2016-05-22 10:48:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes they did! A lot of people think that is crazy, but when they do the research, they can't believe there eyes. A lot of celebs know and are coming out like Charlie Sheen, he has every thing to loose for coming out, but he loves he's country.
Governments stage attacks to blame and start wars.
Hittler burnt the Reich building to get people behind him.
Russia has done the same And so has the U.S government countless times. Hittler once said, if the lie is big enough and so unbelieveable, people will believe it.
Not all conspiracies are theories!
Research and watch and make up your own mind.
2006-11-21 12:27:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No. If they couldn't keep Abu Ghraib, domestic wiretapping, or secret prisions a secret, what makes anyone think they could coverup involvement in 9/11?
Not to mention their severe incompetence dealing with Hurricane Katrina, or the lack of a comprehensive occupation plan for Iraq. Bush couldn't conspire his way out of a paper bag.
2006-11-21 12:08:18
answer #4
answered by Psyleet 3
I don't have proof but I firmly believe that not only the US Government knew about it but sanctioned it. There is proof that Bush knew something was going to happen. Condoleezza Rice herself admitted that Bush was told in advance that bin Laden was going to do something. I did hear, from a very good source, that the FBI was told by the Mossad (Isreal's version of the CIA) that there would be attacks. They were told all the details of the attacks. This happened more than a year before it happened.
2006-11-21 12:18:30
answer #5
answered by Gomez Addams 4
depends on your truth. As I live in NYC and personally witnessed the event, I continue to research, through FOIA, FOIL, media/internet, transcripts, first hand accounts, common sense and logic, to either be able to accept the USG's or any other "version". I have read too many declassified documents to callously toss the idea off the table. MKULTRA, Echelon, Mockingbird, Northwoods, so forth and so on.....similar programs and projects are declassified weekly...and these are all PRE/911.....Only time and the USG will declassify the rest of the information needed to confirm or deny anything.
2006-11-21 12:05:36
answer #6
answered by irish_american_psycho 3
No, it is not true that the U.S. Government had anything to do with 9/11.
Loose Change freaks make the Kennedy Assination freaks look pretty well-balanced by comparison.
2006-11-21 11:59:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes and no ! The US government was responsible for responding to the 9/11 attack by heightening security and seeking to punish the perpetraters and also preventing it from happening again.
I do not believe the US government was responsible for the terrorist act in any way.
2006-11-21 12:00:08
answer #8
answered by burlingtony 2
Absolutely not...but there are 4 or 5 people on Yahoo Q/A's who are promoting that theory with repeat questions and advertising a web site about that kind of propaganda. That kind of garbage is what gives birth to the likes of Timothy McVay...the Fed Bldg. Oklahoma bomber.
2006-11-21 15:35:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The number of people it would've taken to pull off the largest mass murder in US history could fill one of the towers. Do you think the present administration is competent enough to pull off the largest scam in history? The Watergate and Enron capers were known by a handful of people and the secrets were leaked. So how did the 9/11 keep thousands of people's lips sealed?
Other Conspiracies to think about:
1. The Jews did not suffer in Germany because there was no Holocaust. Actually it was the Jews that was torturing the poor blond haired deprived Germans. Those tattoos on the Jews arms and hands that are still alive today (by the grace of God) are really there because they want to be hip.
2. We knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor before they did. I mean come-on President Roosevelt liked the thought of our boys baking inside the Battle Ship Arizona before they died. The President was looking for a better way to get a good nights sleep.
3. America did not land on the Moon. We payed billions of dollars for the 360 foot Saturn 5 rocket so we could look at it and say wow that is a big rocket. We kept approx. 400,000 technicians, scientists and construction contractors quiet, with zero leaks to the public. The rocks that we thought that came from moon and have proved to be from the moon are really from the Pacific Ocean.
4. The Mafia whacked JFK, via the Russian connection, via the Cuban connection. The man on the grassy knoll was a CIA agent acting on orders from Marcello of New Orleans with complicity of the then Boss of Boss Giancana in Chicago. Ruby whacked Oswald to seal the path to the Mafia, he was a two-bit night club owner in Marcello's outfit...true story.
5. Aliens landed in Roswell and we transported them to Area 51 to back engineer their technology, where do you think the stealth air craft came from? Again, we kept it secret by brain washing the thousands of workers who were in on the scam.
6. The Moon we see every night is really not there along with the planets and stars as well the Planet Killing Asteroids. Those were put there by the evil United States to toy with our minds.
7. Fossils of early homosapiens, homoerectus and earlier models were put their by evil paleontologists, athropoligists, and assorted rock hounds looking to enhance their careers, Creation is the real objective reality.
8. America is a conspiracy and is a fake country and none of us Americans really live here.
9. I was never born so this response to your question is a fake.
2006-11-21 11:59:44
answer #10
answered by Its not me Its u 7