I see no reason not to be able to open casinos, since the govnerment squandered the 50 billion dollars due the Native American population since they were all put on reservations. However, in my opinion of a smoker for 50 years, all tobacco and tobacco products should be banned from this country and be called an illegal drug. Tobacco has caused the deaths of more people in this and other countries than all of the so-called illegal drugs in the world combined. More power to you on the Casino thing though, you have my vote!
2006-11-21 11:25:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Although I am not a native american, I think that selling tobacco and opening casinos is your right. The government took enough away from you as it was and any time you can achieve a victory over the government go for it!
2006-11-21 19:20:41
answer #2
answered by DRAGON LADY 3
I am all for it (Cherokee N.C, Deer Clan) if you have the right people looking out for the tribes money And not spending crazy loot on the stuff the tribe doesn't need, Check out the seminoles chair person article if you can find it from about 2002 in Indian Country Today. But, our tribe has tried and tried to get live gaming tables here in N.C for a while to no avail, But The casino does well and we get a Bi annual per capita check, So you will hear no compaints from me.
2006-11-22 02:42:21
answer #3
answered by Deerclan 1
I think it is great that the Indian people can open casinos and sell tobacco for huge profits. The white man took their land and displaced or eradicated their people. After hundreds of years, they're finally getting back on their feet and taking their piece of the "American" pie. You go!
2006-11-21 19:21:05
answer #4
answered by 1truthseeker 4
cherokee here.. we do have casinos and we do sell tobacco.. so i don't really understand what your saying.. but doesn't surprise me that the government, will give our native american's a hard way 2 go..
2006-11-21 19:42:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
(im not native american) But I'll say casino are okay and tobacco not the best crop in the world but hey if you can make a profit go for it......
2006-11-21 19:20:39
answer #6
answered by rache001 3
If you can improve your living conditions why not. The pale skin poisoned use now let us supply them with the poison to poison themselves. It's not like we are forcing them to do it! They have a choice, did we!
2006-11-21 19:20:36
answer #7
answered by zipper 7
i think they should leave us a lone and let us do what we want they have been telling us what to do long enough!!!
(myself Nez Perce tribe)
2006-11-21 19:24:04
answer #8
answered by parrotsarenoisy 5
It is their way of getting back at the white man, give them cancer, and take their money.
2006-11-21 19:18:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's about time you make money and invest it wisely, as you already do.Congrats.
2006-11-21 19:20:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous