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Being on disney channel had been something i have wanted to do since i was little and i know that hannah montana had her dad but i don't! i know auditions are the best thing to do but i don't live where much of that goes on and my parents are busy. This is something i have wanted to do my WHOLE LIFE someone help me please!!

2006-11-21 10:10:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

2 answers

If your parents are too busy, it will be tough for you anyway. Who will bring you to auditions? Who will bring you to jobs, if you get them? Kids in the business really need major support from their parents!

2006-11-21 10:19:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Show biz is a very HARSH mistress. Read up on former child stars, many of their lives didn't turn out anything like they wanted. All that glitters is not gold.

If you are determined to pursue this goal make your self as marketable as you can. Take as many acting classes as you can, singing, dancing even comedy classes. Make yourself ready when you get a break.

Try out for local productions in your area, local plays, local commercials magazines what ever. if you have had some success with local stuff maybe your parents will begin to support your dream.

2006-11-21 11:11:21 · answer #2 · answered by blackbyrd 4 · 0 0

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