I do not have a problem with them, I have know people that are bisexual and enjoyed a very varied an active sex live.
2006-11-21 09:04:43
answer #1
answered by Calum H 2
Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey believed only a very small percentage of the population were solely straight or solely gay. Almost everyone is some degree of bi, although most have a clear preference one way or the other. That is why, under extreme conditions, like a man in prison, someone might go with same sex encounters even though they would never consider it if it were not the only option. A totally heterosexual person couldn't do that, they would be physically incapable of responding to member of the same sex, regardless. Being bi myself, I can say that the things that turn me on sexually can occur in either sex, grace, poise, beauty, intelligence, sensitivity, a well modulated sexy voice, none of those are gender specific, so the person need not be of a specific gender. I have never understood why so many people aren't bi, but they aren't, they are who they are, and I rejoice in our differences. It'd be a pretty dull world if everything could be broken down into one of two categories.
2006-11-21 18:13:49
answer #2
answered by ? 7
I'm very comfortable with myself, in fact I'm down right narcissistic. Can you imagine being attracted to the opposite sex, how about the same? Well take whichever gives you that feeling and imagine having it for the other sex. That's how we, or at least ones like me, feel. Guys turn us on and girls turn us on. It's a remarkably simple concept.
We aren't confused and it isn't a phase. I get so annoyed by people thinking I am going to one day miraculously turn gay or straight. If you mean you don't understand how someone could be turned on by both then I have no other answer other than that's how we are. If it makes you feel any better I don't get why some people aren't attracted to certain sexes, but I understand that they are and I'm okay with that.
We aren't all disease carrying cheaters either. I'm a monogamy only type guy myself, I just don't care about the sex of the person I'm dating. I just go with whoever I like the most, gender is irrelevant to me. I'm in love with my girlfriend and I would never cheat on her, but I will never be straight, I will always feel that attraction to guys and girls. I don't know why everyone likes to look at things in polarity. Even if you don't understand us, we're here and not going anywhere. Guess you'll just have to live in confusion.
2006-11-21 11:09:52
answer #3
answered by Rageling 4
Well, I'm bisexual and comfortable with it. It isn't a myth, it isn't just about sex, and I'm definitely not confused. I'm attracted to people on the basis of who they are with no regard as to gender. I find some men attractive, I find some women attractive. There are some women and some men I find hideously unattractive.
It's not really the orientation I would have chosen, given a choice- bisexuals tend to get grief from people in both the gay AND straight communities. However, I am bi, I've always been bi, and it's never going to change. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about bisexuals.
We can be monogamous, but that does not make us straight, anymore than marriage makes a straight man stop looking at women. We DON'T sleep with everything that moves. We do exist- that one annoys me more than almost anything else. I'm not confused, I'm not experimenting, I'm not in it for the sex, I' bi. I'm comfortable being bi, but it's very hard to be accepted for who I am.
2006-11-21 10:48:11
answer #4
answered by Zeke 4
I am very comfortable with bisexuals,
At the moment I am more "solely gay" as I seem to have completely lost the slight amount of attraction that I once had to men a long while back.
I think it's a question of what gets your heart pumping and you really can't go around the world putting labels on people like "gay" "not gay" "both gay and not gay" - these labels are too strict and restrictive and does not reflect how complicated the heart and mind of a beautiful woman such as yourself really is.
2006-11-21 09:05:32
answer #5
answered by rchlbsxy2 5
it's not a concept, it's how some people are.
it's very confusing because society makes us believe there is a black and a white area, no gray and no overlapping.
there isn't much of a comparison to explain bisexuality.
for the most part you don't need to understand it all- unless you are bisexual you can't understand it completely- same as if you are white you won't understand how it is to be black.
you just need to see people as human- not by their sexual orientation
I'm bi and I like women's bodies and I like the way men look too. I only know that I like both genders, I don't know why (i know brains develp differently in sr8s and gays). I can explain why breasts are attractive and why male body parts are also good looking- but I can't explain how I can like such different things at the same time.
remember people are people, and if it's hard for you to understand them imagine how hard it is to live their lives and understand there role in society.
if you have any more questions you can e-mail me, leave a subject so I know it isn't spam
2006-11-24 17:02:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why do you have to put people in one category? Nothing is black and white...there is always grey area. There is something called a kinsey scale that can be used to show where you fall on the gay to straight continuum. Some people are totally gay, some people might be gay but also a little attracted to the opposite sex, some people are mostly straught but slightly attracted to the same sex. Theres lots of different people out there and lots of different sexualities. I'm glad you're being respectful and trying to educate yourself about something you feel uncomfotable about.
2006-11-21 09:05:14
answer #7
answered by Sara 4
Bisexuality is being attracted to both male & female. It was quite common in Ancient Rome & Greece. It's not so strange really and we all have been attracted to the same sex one time or another, it's just that we don't accept it or we do not act upon it.
Some people experiment and some don't, it's as simple as that.
Remember you only do what is comfortable and right for you.
2006-11-21 10:52:54
answer #8
answered by lorrina b 3
It's just a matter of sexual attraction. I am sure that you find other women pretty and say so to your girlfriends all the time. It's just that some women take that to the next level and say that they want to go out with them.
Same with guys. Guys can look at other guys and go "wow, he's buff" and stuff like that. Some guys will take that to the next level and want to go out with them.
Just like you have guys that you like, and guys have girls that they like - there are guys you are not turned on by, and there are girls that guys are not turned on by. It is a personal type of thing.
What is really bothering you is not that you are not comfortable with them, it is that you dont know what to do if you are hit upon. Its easy. Just say "sorry, I am not interested" or "sorry I am straight". That's it. Nothing to worry about. Case closed, nothing else happens.
2006-11-21 09:12:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think is not about a lot of ppl being comfortable with them its about them being comfortable with themselves and believe being bisexual its hard but is just a way to feel... I believe that the ppl that like girls and boys is because they are looking to fall in love with someone that fill all their expectatives... and whom they are comfortable with... so I dont understand them eathier but if they are happy thats fine :)
2006-11-21 10:01:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Bisexuals are perfectly normal. If you feel akward being about lesubians or gays however, you would proboally get the same feeling around them seeing that they like both men and women. I think sometimes people are bisexual because they need to have more pleasure then most people. They need to be able to fall back on girls and boys.
2006-11-21 09:03:30
answer #11
answered by A BUCK 1