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As part of my techical report writing course, I am investigating how Cadbury was affected by the recall of about a million chocolate bars.

I would like to hear how its reputation was affected, as well as finances and whether the company is prosecuted?


2006-11-21 07:18:17 · 2 answers · asked by hakansergin 1 in Business & Finance Corporations

2 answers

Read the report in the link, it says that the recall cost them £20 million.

there's stuff in there on recovering it as well i think.

you can see on the cadburyschweppes website a share price history, so you can grab that graph too.

2006-11-21 07:25:00 · answer #1 · answered by rchlbsxy2 5 · 0 0

02 Aug 06

Quality has always been at the heart of our business but the quality assurance process we followed in the UK has created concern about this in the eyes of our consumers.

Although we have acted in good faith throughout, we have caused concern and for that I sincerely apologise.

I have instructed that changes to our manufacturing and quality assurance processes should be made so that this occurrence cannot happen again.

We are now moving forward and are focused on delivering the very best confectionery and some great new products for our consumers this autumn.

The last few weeks have without doubt tested the strength of our relationship with our consumers and customers and the resilience of our colleagues.

I'm grateful to our consumers and customers for their patience and loyalty and I'm grateful to our colleagues who worked nights and weekends to respond.

Todd Stitzer

2006-11-21 15:19:28 · answer #2 · answered by ndtaya 6 · 0 0

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