Everyone picks up a newspaper on the way to work, what if there were no newspapers ?
2006-11-21 07:02:47
answer #1
answered by dontdoweekends 5
Go back into the history of the visual arts. See how Michelangelo's teacher treated an old man and his grandson. Look at Brugels scenes from the weddings of his day, and look at Vermeers painting of the woman with the letter. Throughout history the mundane has been handled with a care and almost a sense of sacred rites of one's daily life. As far back as the Egyptians forty five hundred years ago there are scenes of the gentry in bored solitude fishing on the Nile!
What are the mundane routines these days as they relate to history.Vermeers woman reading a letter? How would that be seen today? Could you take the same image of Vermeers woman and have her in the living room reading her e-mail? What about our toiletries of today? An electric shaver first thing of a daily routine for the modern man; what would it look like and from what angle would you portray this daily ritual? From outside looking in through the window? From out of the bathroom looking down the hallway into the scene with his bathroom door open? From above? From behind the shower curtain? What about old women and their mundane visit to the park? Would you give a sense of that the way the impressionists' did? Or would you immerse your self into the old woman's eyes and let us see what her mundane life is from the front of her eyes?
Look to the masters and search for the mundane of their times and draw out the present mundane in tandem with what they went through in the centuries past.
Should you find a work that shows a lady cleaning her shoes.... could you not set a woman of today in the same room with our modern counterparts; like vinyl instead of leather, a light bulb instead of a candle. A switch on the wall where it isn't in the original. Jeans instead of a dress.
Do not be afraid of looking to the past because darlin I'll tell you now: nothing we do is original it has all been done before and all we can do is convince the art world that our style is one that the world of visual arts needs.
2006-11-21 07:37:08
answer #2
answered by the old dog 7
try following the debate about what constitutes an art tool. Photography got a raw deal for along time now people talk about the computer as a tool and others screams that digital isn't really art. Follow the history of tools that are used in art and see how art has influenced the tool as well as how the tool has influenced art I used to teach an art and tech class to pilots and engineers they came up with some really wacky correlations between the two.
2006-11-21 13:47:43
answer #3
answered by doc 4
The first thing I thought of was how the media kind of brainwashes us so we hardly think for ourselves anymore, it just becomes the norm and we lose the ability to look at things from the other side. Its a bit like when there is washing in the machine or tumble dryer and it goes round and round constantly in a hypnotising way, like the vicious circle of every day living. Hope you can understand what I'm getting at.
2006-11-22 02:05:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i graduated art college last year from MICA... anyway I always think about people's perception of time and how that has changed. People want things immediately. We hate even more to wait in lines or on hold, food to cook, to get results from a diet. think about how annoyed you get when a page won't immediately load. you want your answer now, not tommorrow. hell you can come on here and get immediate answers instead of making a million phone calls, surveys etc. you can do everything online 24/7 pay bills, get info, shop, game. no wonder we have short attention spans - it's more evident even now with young kids. maybe it's not ADD i think the real diagnosis is technology overload
2006-11-21 14:59:28
answer #5
answered by mel 3
what about the electricity surge just before eastenders and corry as everyone makes a cuppa?
Media have an influence not only on our daily life but national identity and culture. scary bastads
2006-11-21 06:57:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
how about brushing your teeth? there sure a lot of ads on tv telling us who has the best toothbrush or toothpaste. i'm sure plenty of people's minds have been bent to the will of the toothbrush manufacturers who say we must have an electric tooth cleansing tool that can vibrate our grills to plaque-free perfection.
2006-11-21 07:05:11
answer #7
answered by Dale B 3
Just run the gamut of consumerism.
2006-11-21 07:10:51
answer #8
answered by Sophist 7