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2006-11-21 06:43:25 · 6 answers · asked by NicNak 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

6 answers

The first one cannot be factored, but the second two can:

1) No factored version

2) 4k^2+20k+25 = (5+2k)^2

3) 4x^2-24x+36 = 4(3-x)^2

I hope this helps!

2006-11-21 06:46:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First one, no. x² + x + 6 is not factorable.

4k² + 20k + 25 = (2k + 5)²

4x² - 24x + 36 = 4(x² - 6x + 9) = 4(x - 3)²

2006-11-21 14:48:23 · answer #2 · answered by Louise 5 · 1 0

1) No factored version

2) 4k^2+20k+25 = (5+2k)^2

3) 4x^2-24x+36 = 4(3-x)^2

2006-11-21 16:03:36 · answer #3 · answered by Malvi 2 · 0 0

Assume we are factoring over the integers.
If you have a quadratic ax² + bx + c, b² -4ac must
be a square for such a factorisation to exist.
So let's tackle your questions 1 at a time.
a). x² + x + 6. Here b² -4ac = 1- 24 = -23, which is not a square.

b. 4k^2 +20k + 25. Now b² -4ac = 0, so we can factor this.
In fact the factorisation is (2k+5)².

c. First take out the common factor of 4 to get
4(x² -6x + 9). Now go to work on the term in brackets.
Again, b² - 4ac = 0 and the factorisation is 4(x-3)².
As you might have guessed, b² - 4ac = 0 means
the quadratic is a square trinomial.

2006-11-21 15:55:25 · answer #4 · answered by steiner1745 7 · 0 0




2006-11-21 16:53:38 · answer #5 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0



3.(2x-12)^2 or 4(x-3)^2

2006-11-21 14:48:15 · answer #6 · answered by raj 7 · 0 2

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