Those are mixed numbers. They consist of a whole number plus a fraction. To add them you need to convert both mixed numbers to what's called 'improper' fractions, convert those fractions to have the same denominator, and then add the numerators. You usually convert the result back to a mixed number.
So, what is 3 1/2? This is really 3+1/2. Change the 3 to a fraction:
3+1/2 = 3/1+1/2=6/2+1/2=7/2
Now, do the same with the other number:
Now add:
7/2+9/2 = (7+9)/2= 16/2 = 8.
That's it.
Also, think about adding just the whole numbers:
and just the fractions:
1/2+1/2 =1
Now, add those:
2006-11-21 06:49:25
answer #1
answered by modulo_function 7
Here goes, Jacki. In your first one, both fractions have identical denominators, so it's straightforward: 3 1/2 = 7/2 and 4 1/2 = 9/2 (3 x 2 + 1) in the first case and (4 x 2 + 1) in the second. Adding these------7/2 + 9/2 = 16/2 or 8.
In your second problem, you do not have like denominators. So, the first term, 2 1/2 is 5/2 and the second term, 4 1/6 is 25/6. in order to add these, you have to find identical denominators: 5/2 = 15/6(multiplying both numerators and denominators by 3) then you can add: 15/6 + 25/6 = 40/6 = 6 4/6 = 6 2/3. Hope this helps you.
2006-11-21 06:56:58
answer #2
answered by JIMBO 4
3 1/2 + 4 1/2 = 8 because two halves make a whole and 3+4 = 7.
As for the second question 1/2 is equal to 3/6 . So if you do the sum as if it is
2 3/6 + 4 1/6 then 2+4 = 6 and 3/6 + 1/6 = 4/6
This means the answer is 6 4/6 which can be simplified to 6 2/3 because both the numerator and the denomintaor (the numbers on the top and bottom of the franction) are divisible by 2.
Hope this makes sense. Good luck!
2006-11-21 06:56:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
OK, This is easier than you are portraying. Simply that 3 suggests 6/2 then you add that to your 1/2 making it 7/2. and that 4 suggests 8/2 plus 1/2 making it a 9/2. The whole number you are seeing you must convert to a fraction. 2 and 1/2 = 5/2 and 4 1/6 = 33/6. The easiest way to convert a whole to the fraction is take the whole number times the denominator (i.e. 4 times 2). The last problem once you got 5/2 and 25/6 you have to make a common denominator. 5/2 times 3 would make it 15/6. So, 15/6 plus 25/6 = 40/6 or 20/3. I hope it helps! I am reading it and seems confusing!
2006-11-21 06:54:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First make the fractions "top heavy" so 2 1/2 goes to 3/2 and 4 1/2 goes to 5/2 then find the common denominator to do this multiply the bottome numbers
3/2 + 5/2 ---> common denominator is 2*2=4
3/4 + 5/4 ----> then multiply top numbers by opposite bottom ones and add together eg
(3*4) + (5*4) [all over 4]
so the answer to the first one is
which can be cancelled down by dividing both parts by the 4 which leaves you with 8/2
The second question u do exactly the same
Top heavy -> 3/2 + 5/6
comm denom -> (2*6=12)
multiply top nums -> (3*12) + (5*12) =
36 + 60 = 96
so answer is 96/12 or 8/1
2006-11-21 07:45:49
answer #5
answered by Perfect-Angel84 2
3 = 6/2 so 3 1/5 = 6/2 +1/2 = 7/2. Similarly 4 1/2 = 9/2 so their sum is 16/2 or 8.
For the second problem, you need to take fractions to common denominator by writing 2 1/2 as 2 3/6 and then follow the same technique.
2006-11-21 06:45:48
answer #6
answered by BMW 2
3 1/2 plus 4 1/2 is easy; two halves make a whole. So the total is 8.
To add 1/2 and 1/6 you need to multiply both parts of 1/2 times a number that will turn the bottom number into a 6. So you can multiple 2 by 3 to get 6. So multiply the 1 also by 3. Then you get instead "3/6 + 1/6" which is 4/6 or 2/3.
2006-11-21 06:45:14
answer #7
answered by Staceyflourpond 3
You have to convert them to similar terms.
The first one is easy... at a glance, the answer is 8. But converting them to "halves" is what you need to do....
3 1/2 is 7/2 and 4 1/2 is 9/2 so....
7/2 + 9/2 = 16/2 = 8
The second one is a little harder
2 1/2 is 5/2 and 4 1/6 is 25/6... but they are not like terms... so...
you change the halves to sixths by multiplying the fraction by 3...
5/2 = 15/6
15/6 + 25/6 = 40/6 = 6 4/6 or 6 2/3
2006-11-21 06:49:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
3 1/2 + 4 1/2 = 8
2 1/2 + 4 1/6 = 6 4/6 - or 6 2/3
2006-11-21 06:46:42
answer #9
answered by TheJev 2