Just don't tell any one that you are working two jobs.... It is tough to lie though and you will be very tried from working so much. You could try to ask for overtime you would make more money an hour and then only have to work a few extra hours.
Good Luck life is hard....
2006-11-21 05:54:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why would you not want your employer finding out that you have 2 jobs. Many people have to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet, especially if you are supporting a family. If your employer has a problem with you working 2 jobs then quit because they are not an employer that cares about their employees well being.
2006-11-21 05:48:56
answer #2
answered by Michael C 2
Your employer shouldn't care less if you have two jobs and working full time at both. But don't you think that's a little obsessive? That's working 80 hours a week for full time, how do you find the time? You wouldn't have a chance to actually sleep, you're going to end up doing your body a lot of damage.
2006-11-21 05:38:32
answer #3
answered by winds_of_justice 4
Do one of your employers have a clause in your employment contract saying you can't work at another job? If not, then it's entirely your own business and not theirs that you work at 2 jobs.
Of course, working two full-time jobs is going to leave you quite exhausted, and most likely not as good of an employee at either job as you would be if you only worked one of those jobs. So be careful that you don't end up losing both jobs because of poor performance.
Good luck.
2006-11-21 05:39:35
answer #4
answered by Granny 2
As long as working two jobs isnt effecting your job performance it's reallly not any of their business. I worked two full time jobs before but my employers knew...wasn't an issue because the schedules never overlapped. Unless they have a policy, you may want to let them know--if they are understanding employers that is. That way if anything comes up they know why.
2006-11-21 05:41:45
answer #5
answered by c m 2
You CAN by telling your current Boss.If this second job, doesn't interfere with your present position, in that I mean the hours of work and competition! Then there really is nothing your present boss can do. If you can do 2 full time, good luck! If the present employer lets you go because of this,and everything is what I have asked you. Then sue the sucker for "Wrongful Dismissal".
2006-11-21 05:43:12
answer #6
answered by peaches 5
Why would you want to keep it from your employer? I don't think that's wise. They might be upset if they find out. I suggest you tell them...I'm sure they won't have a problem with it.
Your other option is to keep it a complete secret and make sure that you're working somewhere that you'll never be "run into". Complete secret as in Don't Tell Anyone.
2006-11-21 05:39:03
answer #7
answered by Corn_Flake 6
Well, our work rules required that we tell our primary employer if we had other employment. I don't know what you do, but working for your primary employer's competition would not be deemed ethical. So do whatever you think is the right thing for your personal situation.
2006-11-21 09:42:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Why would it matter if one found out about the other? I know several people who work two full time jobs. It is none of the others business.
2016-03-12 21:06:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
(1) When its asks you on the app if they can call your current/previous employer, check NO and explain you don't want this position to affect your current position. (2) Don't look for 2nd employment in your current place of employment!
2006-11-21 05:41:14
answer #10
answered by missinfo.net 1